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英语翻译quality street 可不译,应该不难吧?QUALITY STREET was named after

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 09:37:12
quality street 可不译,应该不难吧?
QUALITY STREET was named after a JM Barrie (of Peter Pan fame) play and the two figures on the box were originally inspired by the two principal characters,Phoebe Throssel and Valentine Brown.In 1936,QUALITY STREET cost two shillings (10p),equivalent to £3.69 in today’s money.
It is a rewarding experience to look at the history of a famous brand,and QUALITY STREET’s rich heritage throughout the decades helps us to understand why it has endured as a favourite for over 70 years.
QUALITY STREET was the number 1 selling twistwrap assortment in the UK in 2005,2006 and 2007.
Almost seven million QUALITY STREET sweets are manufactured every day at the Nestlé Confectionery factory in Halifax,West Yorkshire.Laid end to end,a week’s production would stretch from Halifax to London 3 times over!
The most popular sweet in QUALITY STREET is the Purple One (the hazelnut in caramel).Which one is yours?
Around 30% of the QUALITY STREET made in the UK is exported to 70 countries,including the Middle East,France,Denmark and Canada,where it is particularly popular.
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英语翻译quality street 可不译,应该不难吧?QUALITY STREET was named after
QUALITY STREET是以 JM巴里(名人堂的Peter Pan )命名,包装盒上两个肖像的创意灵感起初是来自两个重要人物,Phoebe Throssel和他的情人Brown.1936年,QUALITY STREET 的价格为两先令(合10便士),相当于现在的3.69英镑.
关注一个著名品牌的历史使人受益,QUALITY STREET在过去几十年中的深厚传统有助于我们了解它持续畅销七十余年的原因.
QUALITY STREET是英国2005,2006,2007连续三年销量第一的什锦糖果.
每天差不多有七百万份QUALITY STREET糖果在雀巢公司位于哈利法克斯,西约克郡的糖果糕点工厂内生产出来,如果把工厂一周内所生产的糖果首尾相连地排列起来,它的距离将是从哈利法克斯到伦敦距离的三倍以上!
QUALITY STREET 糖果中最受欢迎的一款产品要数紫色装(卡尔梅拉榛子奶糖),你最喜爱的又是哪一种呢?
英国生产的QUALITY STREET糖果中有百分之三十被出口到七十多个国家,包括中东,法国,丹麦和加拿大,在这些国家尤其畅销.