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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 02:48:35
Book 4Modules 3-4参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CABDB 6-10 ACACC
11-15 BCABD 16-20 CBACD
21-25 CAABC 26-30 DBDAD
31-35 ACBBD 36-40 CADBD
41-45 ABCBC 46-50 DDABA
51-55 FAGDE
56. In a nursing or trade school.
57. They feel hopeless / sad / worried.
58. Little patients without Christmas presents.
59. Hope for a bright future.
60. Because she helps people with illnesses.
61. ... to call everyone ... call后加on
62. ... we would have ... would → should
63. ... effective measure to ... measure → measures
64. ... environmental friendly. environmental → environmentally
65. ... on our foot ... 去掉our
66. ... bike as possible. as → if
67. ... of save water ... save → saving
68. ... people are healthy ... healthy → unhealthy
69. ... polluting environment. polluting → polluted
70. ... loud than words. loud → louder
One possible version:
Dear Tim,
I'm so excited and happy to hear that you're coming to China. Since your trip is scheduled for the middle of July, time's not a problem for me because I will be having my summer holiday at that time.
I've been very busy recently, for I've been preparing for the coming entrance exam, which is vital for me and my future life. Last week, I attended an English speech contest intended for high school students all over the province and I won first prize. However, I've always dreamt of having an opportunity to travel in English- -speaking countries like yours to practise and improve my English, as well as make friends with people from other countries.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Li Xia
1. C.本题是分别时的对话,由go to the amusement park 可知,Have a good time(玩得愉快)符合语境.
2. A.vary in sth(大小、形状等)相异,不同;vary with sth(根据情况)变化,变更.
3. B.study 与involve 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且involve 所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,故选involving.
4. D.新鲜的圣诞树的针叶弯曲时才不会断,故前句是条件状语从句,应选If.
5. B.spread 所表示的动作发生在added之前,故选had spread.
6. A.自己的邮件应该是被偶然送到邻居家的,故选by accident.
7. C.设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作表语,故选what.
8. A.“动词+ sb +介词+ the +身体部位”是固定结构,故第一空用the;store 是可数名词且在句中表特指,故其前用the.
9. C.由“本来应该更早点到机场”可知,琳达被工作耽搁了,故选held up.
10. C.蛋糕烤好之前不能打开烤箱,故选mustn’t.
11. B.12. C.你是主动阅读还是被动阅读“取决于(depends on)”你是多 么深入地投入到你正在阅读的“材 料(material)”中.
13. A.当你“听见”的时候,你“仅仅(simply)”接收到感觉信息.
14. B.当你“倾听”的时候,你会“分析(analyze)”听到的内容,怀疑它并得出结论.
15. D.被动阅读就像“听见”一样,你不会“真正地(really)”怀疑或分析 信息.
16. C.由上文可知,主动阅读和被动阅读的情况相反,故用副词however.
17. B.“你和信息展开对话”和“用信息 获得对该话题的新的理解”之间是递进关系,故用连词and.
18. A.空格后与空格前的内容是因果关系,故用连词because.
19. C.你需要考虑有关资料,以便能够深入地理解它.
20. D.由上文的sitting in a waiting room and reading a magazine 可知,此时的你只是为了打发时间.
21. C.由下文的and therefore read passively 可推断,你打发时间的时候可能不会很“在乎(care)”文中的 信息.
22. A.由下文的use a highlighter ... or keep a pen with you while you read及Practices such as skimming and scanning 可推断,主动阅读通常涉 及到一些“技巧(techniques)”.
23. A.由上文的use a highlighter 可知,此处是说“标明(mark)”特殊的段落.
24. B.由上文的keep a pen with you while you read 可知,此处是说你可以对重要的信息做一些“笔记 (notes)”.
25. C.略读和浏览的方法在你试图找到文中某一特定信息时是“有帮助的(helpful)”.
26. D.略读和浏览的方法还有助于在最少的时间内理解一篇文章的“大概(general)”意思. 27. B.由下文的If you read passively, you will not be able to ... your understanding of the subject as well as if you had read actively 可推断,你是主动阅读还是被动阅读会在你的理解水平中“反映(reflect)”出来.
28. D.阅读的方式会“影响(influence)” 你的阅读乐趣.
29. A.如果你被动阅读,你将不能像主动阅读那样“增进(develop)”对相关话题的理解.
30. D.由上文可知,被动阅读影响对信息的理解,据此可推断,被动阅读会降低你的阅读乐趣.
本文是记叙文.手术后的Maddie Rarig 在家里通过遥控设备上课并与师生互动.
31. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的 recovering at home from a spinal operation可知.
32. C.细节理解题.由第一段末的 she is keeping up with her peers by using a remote-controlled robot 及第二段中的to be in her math and English classes in real time可知.
33. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的 The thing is, and this is amazing, she has this huge smile on her face 可推断,Maddie Rarig 是一个乐观面对疾病和困难的人.
34. B.推理判断题.由倒数第二段中的now having this robot“is helping her get better faster.”及最后一段中的And it is just great for her morale可推断,Kristin Rarig认为这个遥控设备很有帮助.
35. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的 immersing the body in water ... increases blood flow through the brain's cerebral arteries, thus improving ... cognitive function 可知.
36. C.段落大意题.第四段主要讲了 该项研究的实施过程.
37. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Researchers are now working ... to determine if water-based exercise results in consistently greater increases in cerebral blood flow ... further examine whether water workouts“greatly improve”vascular health and cognitive function 可推断,研究人员将在Carter 的研究基 础上作进一步的研究.
38. D.写作手法题.通读全文可知,本文主要展示了Carter 关于水上运动对大脑健康的影响的研究成果.
本文是议论文.文章主要讨论了 在电子书流行的时代人们仍然需要图书馆的原因.
39. B.词义猜测题.由上文的Kindle, Nook, and other e-readers swept the scene. Along with them came the e-book. Many believed that this would be the end of libraries 可推断,划线词的意思
40. D.细节理解题.由第四段中的 Many librarians agree, and therefore have become experts in the field. Librarians have by and large willingly educated themselves in the technology needed可知.
41. A.推理判断题.由最后一段So consider a visit to your local library to see all the recent changes ... Your librarian will be happy to bring you up to speed 可推断,作者对图书馆的未来满怀希望.
42. B.篇章结构题.通读全文可知, 文章第一段提出中心论点,第二、三段共同构成第一个要点(图书馆 相对于电子书的优势,包括两个次要点:1. 图书馆通过举办各种活动 提供免费教育;2. 图书馆是让人放 松和给人安静的场所),第四段是第二个要点(图书馆和图书管理员 自觉接受先进技术),最后一段是结论.
本文是应用文.文章是生物圈2 号的旅游指南.
43. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的 it was designed to enable the researchers to study ecosystems entirely可知.
44. B.推理判断题.由表格中第一部分中的large temperature swings from day to evening would change the air pressure inside. To solve the problem ... two large“lungs”that expand and shrink with the changing air pressure 可推断,两个“肺”可以调节生物圈2号内部气压,从而使生物圈2 号免受气温变化带来的气压变化的影响.
45. C.细节理解题.由表格中第四部 分中的To create a rainforest, about 300 species of plants and animals were brought to the site ... Biosphere 2's residents became grateful for the banana plants可知.
46. D.推理判断题.由表格最后一部 分Tour Schedule 的We offer tours daily from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We ask that you arrive no later than 3:45 p.m.可知参观者到达这里的最晚时间是下午的3点45分,因此D项错误.
47. D.细节理解题.根据Annual Playwright Challenge 部分的The winner will ... on the musical together 可知答案.
48. A.推理判断题.由Kids' Poster Contest 部分中的make a poster with the theme: “San Diegans Waste No Water. All Days. All Ways.”可知,该项活动是关于保护生态环境的.
49. B.细节理解题.由Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program 部分末的Nominations are now accepted at www.kohlskids.com可知.
50. A.写作目的题.文章通过介绍四项社区活动告诉读者有关这些活动的信息.故A项正确.