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一道gmat语法题Ranked as one of the most important of Eu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/16 12:33:16
一道gmat语法题Ranked as one of the most important of Eu
Ranked as one of the most important of Europe’s young playwrights,Franz Xaver Kroetz has written forty plays; his works—translated into over thirty languages—are produced more often than anycontemporary German dramatist.
(A) than any
(B) than any other
(C) than are any
(D) than those of any other
(E) as are those of any
不是问答案,而是前面那个Ranked as one of the most important of Europe’s young playwrights,这句结构不太懂== 为什么不直接写为important European young playwrights?
一道gmat语法题Ranked as one of the most important of Eu
这个是非谓语动词做定语,来修饰后面的主语.我把这部分变一下你应该更好理解.Ranked as.相当于He is ranked as...这里不要he is 那么就是非谓语动词了,作定语成分.如果要加he is的话,那么前后就是两个句子了,要加连词.
Known as the top badminton player,Lindan won the gold medal in 2012 London Olmypic Games.
再问: 谢谢!不过我问的不是这个><我没表达清楚……我是觉得后面那个"of Europe's"感觉怪怪的……
再答: 呵呵,你问起句子结构了,这里有个非谓语是比较难的。至于你说的那个of Europe's,就是”欧洲的“意思,这里用了所有格,意思跟European一样。我也举个例子: Environmental deterioration has a negative impact on the development of China's economy. 环境恶化对中国的经济发展有着负面影响。 另外再简单区别一下,China's 强调与后面的名词之间存在一种所有关系,而Chinese是修饰名词的形容词,强调一种属性。同理,Europe也一样。 O(∩_∩)O~希望可以帮到你啦
再问: 真心谢谢你……不过我还是有问题…别打我>< 你举的例子the development of china's economy,of前面是development,即名词 of 名词,读起来就很通顺;可是原题of前面是important,形容词,老师教的结构不是 one of 复数名词么?important 后面又来个of看的好奇怪啊…我觉得应该把of去了…我知道我很事儿…求别嫌烦><
再答: 呵呵,你也观察得很仔细,好学不倦啊! 你这么一说我也留意到了,这题目应该是有点错误,important后面的of是你打错,或是原文就错了,这个of不要才是。你再核实一下吧,或者问问你们老师。 Ranked as one of the most important Europe’s young playwrights 意思是,被认为是欧洲最主要的年轻剧作家之一 如果你写的句子是正确的话,那我无法解释了,而且语法上也是错误的。 呵呵,应该能帮到你吧,至少学了点知识