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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 19:57:10

Who is to blame for the obese children—the
Enterprises or the parents?
The number of obese children in our country is increasing by 8 percent each year. People are very concerned about it. In my opinion,______________________________________________

One possible version(反方)
Who is to blame for the obese children--- the enterprises or the parents?
The number of obese children in our country is increasing by 8 percent each year. People are very concerned about it. In my opinion, parents are to blame. First, the parents often take their children to find fast food restaurants with the excuse that they are too busy to prepare meals for their children at home, so gradually their children have formed a bad eating habit. Another reason, I think, is that the parents can’t tell junk foods from nutritious foods so that they can’t help their children to make a right choice. Besides, most of the time the parents ignore how important it is  for their children to take regular exercise. That’s why their children put on weight so easily. I suggest that parents should pay attention to their children’s health and help them to make a wise choice of what to eat and what to do.
Another possible version(正方)
Who is to blame for the obese children--- the enterprises or the parents?
The number of obese children in our country is increasing by 8 percent each year. People are very concerned about it. In my opinion, enterprises are to blame. First, for the purpose of making money, they have built so many westernstyle fast food restaurants. The fast foods are known for containing too much fat. Secondly, some catering (food) industries sell junk foods and there are no laws to stop them from doing so. And besides, so many advertisements attract children to the foods that are delicious but actually unhealthy. All these factors are the causes of the large number of obese children in China.
I suggest that strict laws should be made to forbid selling unhealthy foods. It’s only when laws are made that the situation will be improved. Children are our future and we should do something to make sure that they grow healthy and strong.

第二节:书面表达(满分30分)下面的柱状图(bar chart)显示了不同年龄段孩子心理健康状况。根据上图信息,请以“P 八、书面表达(满分15分)早餐很重要,但最近的一项调查表明,你校将近40%的学生有不吃早餐的习惯。请根据下表所示的调查情 第五部分书面表达(满分25分)一项调查显示:汶川玉树大地震改变了一部分人的生活,带来了更多的反思。请根据以下提示,以“地 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)根据提示,以学生会的名义在6月25日写一则书面通知,内容如下:高一年级学生将于6月30日参 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华。你班最近就“大学生是否经济独立”话题展开讨论,大家发表了不同的看法。请你根据 第二节     书面表达(满分25分)你班同学组织了一场讨论。讨论的主  第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的英语朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要 第二节:书面表达(满分35分)假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信询问你们的学习情况。请你根据下图信息,写一封回信。谈谈 第二节   书面表达(满分30分)目前,我国大力提倡构建节约型社会。下图是你在校园所见到的 第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 你校正在开展“创建文明班级,共建和谐校园”活动,请根据下表内容,以“A Meaningfu 九.书面表达(共1题,满分15分)   听到关于玉树地震的消息,你班计划组织同学们捐款。以