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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/29 22:24:04
Magicians popping up

导读:自从年轻魔术师刘谦在春晚一炮而红,全国上下便兴起一股魔术热潮.眼下,2009北京世界魔术大会(World Championships of Magic)赛事正酣,面对世界各地风格迥异的魔术表演,中国传统魔术焕发新生…
炙热的舞台灯光下,魔术师王显波拿出6个金属圆环,将它们一个个相互碰撞,然后连成了不同形状:花朵,人力车,飞机等等.其实,早在2000多年前,像王显波一样的中国民间艺人就开始表演这种广为人知的“连环”把戏了. Sweating under stage lights, magician Wang Xianbo takes six metal rings, bumps them together one by one and then links the rings into shapes: a flower, a rickshaw, an airplane. For at least 2,000 years Chinese entertainers like Wang have performed the well-known "linking rings" trick.
宝丰县自称为“中国魔术之乡”.如今,恰逢“魔术热”风靡全国,该县也因此繁荣起来. Baofeng, the self-proclaimed home of magic in China, is enjoying a boom as the whole country has gone magic-mad.
眼下,世界魔术大会正在北京举行.来自全球各国的2000多名魔术师云集首都.除了正式的官方比赛之外,几场大型主题魔术秀也让观众们大饱眼福.其中包括大卫-科波菲尔式的大型幻觉魔术,当红魔术师刘谦带来的近景魔术等. More than 2,000 performers from around the globe are attending the World Championships of Magic in Beijing this week. Besides the official competition, several big shows feature magic that ranges from huge, David Copperfield-esque illusions to the more intimate, close-up magic popularized by Lu Chen, the magician of the moment.
刘谦,33岁,12岁时获得科波菲尔颁发的全台湾少儿魔术比赛冠军.在今年春晚上,他凭借精彩绝伦的的魔术表演引发了近来的魔术热潮.其中,有一项表演让人百看不厌:把戒指变到鸡蛋里去,在现场打破鸡蛋取出戒指. Lu, 33, who was judged by Copperfield as Taiwan's top young magician at age 12, helped spark the recent craze with his beguiling performance on China's top TV show this spring. Among his tricks: making a ring disappear and then reappear inside an egg, which he cracked open for the great reveal.
如今,各大城市为业余爱好者及专业魔术师开设的培训学校如雨后春笋般层出不穷,还有数千名大学生希望能在高校魔术联盟里一较高低. Training schools for amateurs and professionals are mushrooming in Chinese cities, while thousands of college students want to compete in a university magic association.
在宝丰县,魔术传统可以追溯到公元7世纪.民间艺人们和商家借助传授这些技巧在本次全球金融危机中得以幸免.枣庄星神商店的老板李美昌说,今年光舞台服装的销售额就上升了30%. In Baofeng, where traditions of magic stretch back to the seventh century, entertainers and entrepreneurs have bucked the global recession by teaching the tricks of the trade. Sales of stage costumes jumped 30% this year, says Li Meichang, owner of the Star God store in Zhaozhuang.
历史学家徐秋说:“魔术热使宝丰的各种魔术都盛行起来.当地政府鼓励魔术产业的发展,因为它有助于本地经济繁荣”. Magic fever "is helping every kind of magic to thrive in Baofeng," says historian Xu Qiu. "The local government encourages the industry because it helps the economy."
今年45岁的王韦恩来自北京,现经营一家软件企业的他在美国留学时曾学过魔术.他说:“舞蹈和流行音乐已经不再新鲜了,但是魔术却能使人眼前一亮.对于很多年轻人来说,魔术就是一种时尚新潮流.” "Dancing and pop music are no longer fresh, but magic makes people's eyes pop out," says Wayne Wang, 45, of Beijing, a software entrepreneur who learned magic as a student in the USA. "Magic is new and fashionable to a lot of young people."
“我们不是邪门歪道” 'We are not a cult'
多年来,魔术师王韦恩一直努力申请成立一个类似美国魔术师协会的中国魔术师联盟.他说,在中国,魔术是归中央宣传部下属的中国杂技协会管理的. Wayne Wang has tried for years to get government approval for a Chinese Magicians Association, akin to the Society of American Magicians. In China, magic falls under the control of the China Acrobatic Association, which is part of the Communist Party's propaganda department, he says.
“现在是时候开设一个全国性的联盟了,这样所有的魔术师都能加入进来.”他说. "It's time to open up, to have a nationwide association, so all the individual magicians could join in," he says.
北京高校魔术联盟主席梁明透露,该联盟属于学生社团,目前还没有在政府部门注册.主修人力资源管理的梁明,其个人专场演出收入已达7300美元. College Magic, a student association, has not registered with the government, says co-founder Liang Ming, who is majoring in human resources management and has earned up to $7,300 for a single, private show.
“在中国,成立一个民间组织并不是一件容易的事,但是我们不会扰乱社会秩序,我们也不是邪门歪道,”梁明坚持道,“我们并不是真的在施魔法--它是假的,只是种幻觉--大家都知道.” "It's not easy to establish a civil organization in China, but we do not disturb social order, and we are not a cult," he insists. "We are not doing real magic - it is fake, an illusion - and everyone knows that."
返回宝丰来看,今年已经80多岁的毛先生,仍然会用传统的变硬币等魔术招待家中来客.他的儿子是一个成功的魔术师,他13岁的孙子也继承了家族传统. Back in Baofeng, Mao, the octogenarian, entertains visitors to his home with old magic tricks such as making coins disappear. His son is a successful magician, and his 13-year-old grandson is continuing the family tradition.
“在过去,魔术师们被当成逃犯,”毛先生说,“现在他们的地位被抬得顶天高.年轻一代能够尽情实现他们的魔术梦想了.” "In the past, magicians were treated like criminals on the run," Mao says. "Now their position is as high as the sky. Young people can achieve their dreams."