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圣诞袜的传说 (英文版)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 05:08:20
圣诞袜的传说 (英文版)
圣诞袜的传说 (英文版)
Christmas origin and the origin of relevant knowledge Christmas "Christmas" is the name of "Christ Mass" in the acronym. Mass in a church worship ceremony. Christmas Day is a religious festival. We regard it as the birth of Jesus to celebrate Christmas Day Known as a result. On this day, all the Christian world will hold a special worship ceremony. But many do not have the slightest bit of Christmas celebrations and religious association. The exchange of gifts, send cards, which have become a so celebrate the Christmas. Christmas is the world's largest Christian festival. 4 beginning of the 20th century, January 6 of the Eastern Roman Empire was born and baptized in the church commemorate Jesus dual festivals known as the "main section marked" Epiphany, also known as "displayed Day" show the world that their God through Jesus then. That road widening cold church was the only exception, where commemorate not only to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ's baptism. Later historians Christians in Rome were found using the calendar year 354, December 25 pages recorded : "The birth of Christ in Bethlehem of Judea. "After the study, December 25 is generally believed to Christmas may start with the Roman Catholic Church in 336 AD), about 375 reached in the Year of Antioch in Asia Minor. Alexandria, Egypt reached 430 AD, forcefully denied that the churches have to accept the latest. and the Armenian Church is still insist on January 6 that the main festival is marked by the birth of Jesus. December 25 is the original Persian Apollo (god of light), Mithra (Mithra) birthday. is a heathen festival, the sun god is one of the Roman gods, goddesses state religion. The Roman calendar day is the Winter Solstice Festival, the heathen worship of the sun god as a spring day in the hope that all of this, everything recovery began. It may be due to this reason, the Roman church before choosing this day as Christmas. This is a Christian church initially bringing the infidel custom of the measures. Later, despite the fact that most churches are accepted on December 25 for Christmas, but solid throughout the church calendar, The date will not be unified, Thus, the December 24 to January 6 next year as the Christmas festival (Christmas Tide). can be adapted to the specific local conditions in various parts of the church during the festival to celebrate the Christmas period. Since December 25 churches recognized by the majority of Christmas, the original January 6 commemoration of Jesus Christ's baptism only on the section marked, However, the Catholic Church again on January 6 as the "Three Kings Day to North Korea." Wang Dongfang three to commemorate the life of Jesus (three PhD) to pay homage to the story. With the widespread Christian, Christmas has become all denominations of Christians. even the majority of non-Christians, an important festival. Many countries in Europe and the United States, people attach great importance to this festival, and put it on New Year together. and festive activities to celebrate the New Year with a grand greatly exceeded, become a national holiday. December 25 with the main commemoration of the legend of the birth of Jesus on it. Is a story of the birth of Jesus, because Jesus is a child with the Holy Ghost, born of Mary curricula. God sent emissaries Shiao-Yu Lin Gabriel Joseph in a dream, asking him not to unmarried pregnant and not because she Mallia, Instead of having her, the children and renamed it the "Jesus", which means he is out to save the people from evil. When Mary is about baby was expected, the government in Rome under the orders must declare all the people of Bethlehem residence. Yes, but Mary and Joseph. They arrived in Bethlehem, it's already faint, only two failed to find places where they slept at night hotel, an equestrian can only refuge. At this moment, the birth of Jesus to! Only then Mary in the manger, the birth of Jesus. After the man to commemorate the birth of Jesus, Christmas is set for December 25 every year at mass to mark the birth of Jesus. Christmas is on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus, but no one knows the real birth day. 19th century, the cards pandemic, the emergence of Santa Claus, Christmas began to pop up. Christmas customs of the Chinese people in recent years of contacts or Christmas, the entire atmosphere is not the same all over. some coastal areas as more festive atmosphere, as it is located in southern Shenzhen, Guangzhou area, because of its close proximity to Hong Kong. open cities, and the younger generation who may have different religious beliefs, but have a Christmas as a day of rejoicing. Let us take a look at the Christmas program some fixed bars. December 25 that day, the church will hold worship ceremony. Catholic and Orthodox Christmas Mass, the Protestant Christmas week. Some of the church's celebration activities starting from midnight on 0.1. In addition to worship ceremony, but also performed the Christmas drama, the story of the birth of Jesus show. Christmas : Christmas PARTY essential programs, with family, friends and bounds. Lovers of all kinds of songs like PARTY. A friendship, affection, love gathering good time. Wearing Christmas hats, singing carols, tell your Christmas wishes. Christmas : Christmas feast celebrated as a festival, not less tasty and delicious food. Christmas turkey is the main course of the licensing cases before the people may be done with microwave ovens, Now many people spend the holiday meal in a restaurant outside, the customers were businessmen will take advantage of opportunities to make money. Of course, there are many Christmas foods, the gingerbread and the candy and so on. Christmas hats : It was a red top hat, said that in addition to a peaceful night of sleep and sleep at night wearing a little warm, The next day you will also discover the pull in more beloved to send a gift. It is a rave night audience in the main characters, no matter whether you go into that corner, they will find all kinds of red hats. Some have pointed hats and shiny, some glittering. Christmas is a pair of red socks : The earliest before the socks are much, Christmas stockings are used for gifts to the children's favorite things They will be at their bedside socks hanging on, waiting for the next morning to accept gifts. If it was Christmas delivery car how do? He called it best to write a good check into socks Lane. Christmas and New Year greeting cards : congratulations cards printed on the top story of the birth of Jesus in the picture. and "celebrating Christmas, a Happy New Year, like so wishes. Sister Act : referring to the evening of December 24 Christmas Eve morning on the 25th. Church hymns, some classes (or spontaneously formed by the believers) from door to door to door or window in the Christmas carol singing. called "Sister Act" Angel then reappearance is meant to report on the outskirts of Bethlehem, the shepherds of the birth of Jesus the good news. "Sister Act," also known as Christmas Waits. The activities often have to go on until dawn, a growing number of voices growing, city streets full of songs. carol : Christmas sing hymns called "Christmas Carols." Many Christmas carol. music scores more from the works of famous musicians. often sing the "universal rejoicing, declined Savior" (Joy to the World!) "angels singing in a high day" (Angels WeHave Heard on High). "Midnight Mianxiang then only when" (It Cametbe Midnight Clear). "Beautiful little town, small Bethlehem" (O Little Town of Bethlehem). "Shepherd news letter" (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks) "Lane far in the manger" (Away in the Manger) "Military glory days" (the Angels, from the Realms of Glory). "hearing ah, the angels sing loudly" (Hark!the Herald Angels Sing). "Christmas Bell" (I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day). and so on with the "Christmas Eve" (Silent Night) is the most famous. Reportedly, Cao 1818 in a small town in Austria is home to one of the Oromo an unknown mole of a Country Priest. This Christmas, Moore was found in possession of the church organist, a rat gnawing bad, repair already too late. how to celebrate Christmas? Moore this boredom. He suddenly recalled that the "Gospel According to Luke" -- was recorded. That Jesus Nativity, the angel to the shepherds outside Bethlehem, Sister Act, carol singing : "In high between the glory to God. on the ground safely attributed his joy to the people. "He brainstorm, according to these two scriptures written in a Hymn. named "Christmas Eve". Moore gave the town primary school teachers to write the lyrics after Katsuro Burton, Please featuring him. Katsuro afraid of the lyrics was deeply touched reading, writing good music, singing in church the next day, popular. Later, two businessmen passing through here, learn the song, they sang for Prussian King William IV. William IV, praised the tour, ordered the "Christmas Carol" as the National Church will sing Christmas songs at one. In addition, annual Christmas concert at the church will be conditional renowned musician Germany Handel's "Messiah" (also known as the "savior"), musical works, worship through music activities to enhance a festive atmosphere. Santa Claus : He was said to each city to the bishops of Asia Minor, named St. Nicholas, after the title of saint. One was wearing a red cloth, a white-bearded old man wearing a Little Red Riding Hood. He steered the annual Christmas sled from the north side of the deer and Latin America. enter each from the chimneys, Christmas gifts packed in stockings hanging on the children's Lane or stove before bed. Therefore, Western Christmas, the children's Christmas gift to their parents packed in socks, Christmas Eve at the time of the child's bedside on. The next day, The children woke up in bed, the first thing is to find Santa Claus to bring gifts. Now, Santa Claus has become a symbol of lucky, when Christmas is not only indispensable figure, celebrating New Year but also an indispensable figure. Christmas tree : One farmer reported that the Christmas Eve in a snowstorm Cross Lane received a hungry child, let him eat a sumptuous Christmas dinner, the children farewell pack through a fir tree branches planted on the ground and blessings : "This year, gift-bearing leave this beautiful Sugimura, repay your good intentions. "Children left, found that farmers planted a tree branch has become. He came to realize that their reception of the original is a messenger of God. Christmas tree has become a source of this story. In the West, whether Christian, Christmas has to prepare a Christmas tree. to enhance the festive atmosphere of joy. Christmas is generally caused evergreen trees like fir Parkinson, symbol lives forever. Candles decorated with all kinds of trees and colorful flowers, toys, and the stars, where all kinds of Christmas gifts. Christmas night. People sang and danced around the Christmas tree, rejoice. Christmas Day Ceremony : Westerners Christmas when referring to the Boxing postman or servants, usually placed in a small capsule. So the English language as "Christmas Box." Once there was a kindhearted and spoke up for the girl's nobility His wife had died of illness, left him and his three daughters. this noble attempt to many inventions, which have failed, But this has exhausted the money, so they had to move to a farmhouse to live, his daughter had also personally cook, sewing and cleaning. flash past few years, we have to marry the daughter of age, his father had become more frustrated, They have money to buy his daughter a dowry. One night, Stockings hung on his daughters would wash clothes dryer before the fireplace. Saint Nicholas aware of the plight of their father, At night, they went to the home front. see from the window of his family were asleep. Stockings also took note of the girls. Immediately, He took three small plastic bags of gold from the chimney pocket on one vote indefinitely. Stockings Lane happened to fall on the girls. The next morning, When they discovered their daughter Stockings packed with gold. enough for them to buy a dowry. The aristocrats were therefore able to see his daughter married, Since then, and lived a happy life. Later, children around the world have inherited the tradition of hoisting the Christmas stockings. Some of the other children have similar customs, In France, children shoes will be on the hearth and so on.