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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/29 12:40:40
中国神兽-凤凰(fenghuang)  凤凰(Chinese phoenix/phoenix),亦称为朱鸟、丹鸟、火鸟、鹍鸡等,在西方神话里又叫火鸟、不死鸟,形象一般为尾巴比较长的火烈鸟,并周身是火,估计是人们对火烈鸟加以神话加工、演化而来的。神话中说,凤凰每次死后,会周身燃起大火,然后其在烈火中获得重生,并获得较之以前更强大的生命力,称之为“凤凰涅磐”。如此周而复始,凤凰获得了永生,故有“不死鸟”的名称。凤凰和麒麟一样,是雌雄统称,雄为凤,雌为凰,其总称为凤凰。凤凰齐飞,是吉祥和谐的象征。 它跟龙的形象一样,愈往后愈复杂,有了鸿头、麟臀、蛇颈、鱼尾、纹、龟躯、燕子的下巴、鸡的嘴。自古以来凤凰就成了中华民族文化中的重要组成部分。

英文: Chinese god beast - pho enix fenghuang (phoenix) (Chinese/phoen ix phoenix), also called Zhu Diao, Dan bird , firebird, 鹍 chicken, etc., in the western mythology, also called the firebird, not de ad bird, the image is commonly tail longer flamingos, and around the fire, estimate t he flamingo is treated in myth processing and evolved. Mythology, said phoenix eve ry time after death, will be in the whole b urst into flames, and then its reborn in the fire, and get more strong vitality than befo re, is called "phoenix nirvana". So the cycl e, the phoenix got eternal life, so there is "not dead bird" name. Call phoenix and ki rin, is a male and female, male for chicke n, burn for female, its known as the phoe nix. The phoenix fly together, is the symbo l of auspicious harmony. Like the image of the dragon, it became more complicated, and with the hon head, our hip, neck, fish, snake grain, turtle body, swallow the jaw, mouth of chicken. Since ancient times, the phoenix has become an important part of the culture of the Chinese nation.(中文:中国神兽-凤凰(fenghuang)  凤凰(Chinese phoenix/phoenix),亦称为朱鸟、丹鸟、火鸟、鹍鸡等,在西方神话里又叫火鸟、不死鸟,形象一般为尾巴比较长的火烈鸟,并周身是火,估计是人们对火烈鸟加以神话加工、演化而来的。神话中说,凤凰每次死后,会周身燃起大火,然后其在烈火中获得重生,并获得较之以前更强大的生命力,称之为“凤凰涅磐”。如此周而复始,凤凰获得了永生,故有“不死鸟”的名称。凤凰和麒麟一样,是雌雄统称,雄为凤,雌为凰,其总称为凤凰。凤凰齐飞,是吉祥和谐的象征。 它跟龙的形象一样,愈往后愈复杂,有了鸿头、麟臀、蛇颈、鱼尾、纹、龟躯、燕子的下巴、鸡的嘴。自古以来凤凰就成了中华民族文化中的重要组成部分。
