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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/14 05:23:38
Book 6 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DCDDB 6-10 ACCDA
11-15 ACBCA 16-20 DABDA
21-25 DDCBC 26-30 BDACB
31-35 ADBCA 36-40 DBDAB
41-45 DADAC 46-50 BADCD
51-55 EGCAD
56. By reading Holli’s letter to her mum.
57. Children should not eat in their hotel room.
58. Because they were careful and left no mess.
59. On July 5.
60. They got warnings.
61. ... to meeting you ... meeting → meet
62. ... you QQ number ... you → your
63. ... for common ... for → in
64. ... English novel. novel → novels
65. ... is really funny. is → are
66. ... or Elizabeth ... or → and
67. I thought ... thought → think
68. ... at sometimes. 去掉at
69. ... play badminton ... play前加to
70. ... the club ... the → a
One possible version:
“Youth is not a time of life but a state of mind.” The words convey the message that it is our state of mind that determines whether we are young or not. If we feel young at heart, we are young. Youth is more than a concept of age, which isn't just about the number of years alone. More importantly, it is about our attitude towards life.
I've heard of a report that an 80-year-old Japanese climbed Mount Qomolangma successfully. In my eyes, even if he's in his eighties, he keeps a young state of mind and his attitude to life is very positive.
1. D.由Chocolates are my favorite food 及Though they make me fat 可知,“我无法抵制(resist)它们(的诱惑)”.
2. C.take 所表示的动作发生在was sent 之前,故用过去完成时.
3. D.由books can help us accumulate vocabulary and open our minds 可知,“多读书对我们有好处(beneficial)”.
4. D.由问句及I have tons of things to do 可知,on the contrary(相反)符合题意.
5. B.由If 及would have arrived 可知, 从句是与过去事实相反的假设,故其谓语用had+过去分词,且I 与tell 之 间为被动关系,故用had been told.
6. A.由we still have a long way to go 可知,逗号前意为“尽管(Despite)我们为控制空气污染作出了努力”.
7. C.invite 与句子主语I 之间为逻辑上 的动宾关系,且由主句可知该句表达的是一般情况,故用invited.
8. C.题意:我们班的所有学生都在勤 奋学习,尽他们所能考入一个好大学.故用can表能力.
9. D.空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行 词changes,且在定语从句中作主语,故用that引导.
10. A.由I spend too much time walking to work every day 可知,答话者 同意发话者的看法,故用That’s it (你说的对).
11. A.根据本段第一句可知,投资者追 求的是经济回报,所以他们会“相信 (believe)”时间就是金钱.
12. C.“金钱不能买到幸福”和“它是一个良好的开始”之间为让步关系,故 选even if.
13. B.根据本段内容可知,母亲与第一段所说的投资者形成对比,故用表达转折意义的However.
14. C.根据本空前后两句She never spent money on any business 及She went to school, pursued her interests, made friendships ...可以推断,母亲 与普通投资者的投资方式是“不同的(different)”.
15. A.母亲的投资体现在她生活的方方面面,当然包括照顾她的“家庭 (family)”.下面两段即是母亲对家 庭的照顾.
16. D.17. A.根据本段最后一句可知,虽然经济不景气,但是母亲却能用简单实惠的原料做出可口的饭菜,让全家人不缺“ 食物 (food)”.这也说明母亲善于“利用 (use)”每一分钱.
18. B.根据本段中的my brother and I got older, for sports and hobbies 及 Mom took a job 可知,两个孩子“需要(needed)”更多的开销.
19. D.根据下一句,尤其是something close to your heart 可知,母亲并没有为了赚更多的钱去做别的工 作,这说明她“热衷于(loved)”园 艺.
20. A.21. D.只有“做(doing)”自己 内心真正喜欢的事情,才会有更丰厚的回报,也才会让自己成为一名 “更好的(better)”员工.
22. D.根据下一句可知,作者毕业后家里的经济已不再“拮据(tight)”.
23. C.根据下文中母亲举办画展等信息可知,她后来开始“学习(took up)”绘画.
24. B.母亲先从基础水彩开始学起,后 来深入到油画,故选advanced.
25. C.根据下一句Her efforts eventually produced ... returns 可知,母亲愿意“花费时间精力(put in)”学习绘 画.
26. B.根据下文母亲办画展并获得好 评等信息可知,她的努力最终获得 “很大的(great)”回报.
27. D.根据下一句中的money 可知,母亲在画展上“卖掉(sold)”一些 画.
28. A.从上文可以看出,母亲并不是很看重金钱,所以通过画展赚钱并不是她的“目的(goal)”.
29. C.出席母亲葬礼的人应该是“分享了(shared)”母亲生前的一些善行.
30. B.在作者眼里,葬礼上来宾们对母亲的赞赏是母亲度过富有的一生的 “证据(evidence)”.
本文是记叙文.文章简单介绍了 “Survivors: The Empty City”这本书的内容.
31. A.细节理解题.根据第二段中的 It allows him to escape from the trap house, the not-nice place where strays end up if they are caught by longpaws (humans)可知答案.
32. D.细节理解题.根据第五段中的 After looking from dog to dog, he notices they are all wearing collars 可 知,Lucky 遇到的这些宠物狗跟流 浪狗穿戴不同.
33. B.词义猜测题.根据上一段内容 Lucky isn't used to hanging around with dogs ... their entire lives 可知, Lucky 并不是很喜欢跟这些宠物狗在一起,由此可推测,他并不是很愿意作他们的首领.
34. C.推理判断题.通读全文内容可知,Lucky 喜欢独处,而且有能力不依靠其他同伴的帮助就能生存,这说明他自立;当他遇到一群宠物狗后,虽然心里不愿意与他们为伍,但 是他并没有抛弃他们,而是带领他们学习生存的本领,这说明他可信赖.
35. A.段落大意题.从SECTION A中 可以看出这部分主要是Jamie Moran 所填写的个人信息,如姓名、性别、邮箱、家庭住址、家庭构成等.
36. D.细节理解题.从SECTION B中 的benefits of online shopping 部分可以看出Jamie 选择了两项: More convenient form of shopping 和 Unusual or hard-to-find items available,由此得出a,d两项正确.
37. B.细节理解题.Section B 中,Jamie 选择Poor fit选项,故选B项.
38. D.细节理解题.根据Section C中 Jamie 所写的I doubt it, as people find high street shopping enjoyable and like handling things before buying可知答案.
本文是议论文.一位老人在街上发病晕倒,四个孩子积极救助,而路过的成年人却无动于衷.作者就此事件 展开讨论.
39. A.推理判断题.由第二段中的 The children used ... the driver's questions 可知,孩子们用他们从波兰同学那里学来的波兰语为老人翻译,由此可见老人和孩子们之间讲的是波兰语.
40. B.段落大意题.在第三段中,作者表扬了孩子们面对紧急情况时表现 出的机智和勇气,说他们不仅为自 己也为家庭和学校赢得了赞誉.所 以在第三段作者主要对孩子们进行了赞扬.
41. D.词义猜测题.根据划线词后的 they feel that the burden of responsibility is lifted from their shoulders 可推测,人们感觉责任不在自己肩上 是因为他们认为有人会“参与”救助. 42. A.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 This already exists in France ... can do so 可知,在法国,人们如果见到了紧急情况,有法律责任去尽力提供帮助.
43. D.细节理解题.根据第二段中的 When Lincoln became a lawyer, he used his jokes and stories to gain the good will of the jury可知答案.
44. A.推理判断题.根据第三段中的 His long time political ... I am to be overmatched 及... their well presented arguments forgotten ... anecdote 可 知,林肯一讲幽默故事,Douglas 就认为自己被打败了,而且自己先前精彩呈现的演讲也被观众遗忘 了,由此可推测,他很讨厌林肯的 幽默故事.
45. C.细节理解题.由文章第四段最 后一句“I have three walnuts, and each one of them wants two of them.”可知正确答案为C项.
46. B.写作目的题.一谈到林肯,我们 普遍会认为他是个伟大的领导者, 然而鲜有人知道他也很擅长讲幽默 故事,本文就林肯鲜为人知的这一 面作了介绍.故选B项.
47. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的 Kids who work there are not included in the ban while they're on the job 可知,商场的这一新规定不适用于正在商场工作的孩子.
48. D.推理判断题.根据第三段的an increase in sales 和ends up having a positive effect 可知,Tron 认为一些 商场在禁止青少年出入后营业额上涨,说明他反对青少年在商场晃悠. 49. C.词义猜测题.根据第五段中 Callender 所说的Turning down business from enthusiastic young shoppers ... certainly seems like an unusual growth strategy 可知,他是 反对禁令的.buy the idea = support the idea.
50. D.推理判断题.文章后四段是反对禁令的人的意见.根据第四段可知,青少年有一定的消费能力,能为商场带来利润.