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我家的米格(中文加英文) 作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/13 19:22:47
我家的米格(中文加英文) 作文
我家的米格(中文加英文) 作文
那天,我们去蓝田。爸爸说,蓝田是西安旁边一个县,到那里就能看到乡村了。坐着轿车,车窗外的楼房一直朝后跑。果然,看到了绿油油的田野了。又过了一会儿,窗外全是树,树,树。大约坐了一个多小时车,爸爸说:蓝田到了。 下了车,看到这儿有一大片树又和许多房子。“这就叫乡村,乡村是种粮食种蔬菜养家禽家畜的地方。”爸爸说。走进村里的一家,米格就在这儿呢。米格是妈妈养的一只米黄色小狗,半年前送给这家奶奶了。米格一见我们就汪汪叫,还跑过来抱爸爸的腿。“谢谢你们来看我,我嗅到含芝的气味了。”米格说。老奶奶热情地招呼我们坐下来喝茶。后来,我们带着米格到村子外边溜达去了。米格在我们家时要牵着走,在这儿不用牵。路上,米格看见了一只黑狗,它不咬也不叫,只是闻闻人家。“我的主人来看我了,我好高兴呀!”米格说。那只黑狗看看它,摇摇尾巴。一位采收蔬菜的女农民问我们:“这么久了,米格还认识你们吗?”“认识呢,”妈妈回答。我和爸爸妈妈坐在一棵大树下,一边乘凉,一边望着那无边的麦田和蓝天。米格跑来跑去,还在土楞下刨土呢。一会儿过来两只黑斑狗,黑斑狗呜呼呜呼把米格弄翻了。“我饶不了你们!”米格大吼一声,马上爬起来找它们算账了。回到奶奶家,米格一进门就钻进笼子,笼子里有狗吃饭的盘子。它一边吃食,一边亨亨着。乘车回家的路上,我不知怎么睡着了。进了家门,我忽然想到米格,便大声问:“爸爸,妈妈,米格跟我们说‘再见’了吗?”Our MigeThat day, we went to Lantian. Dad said, “Lantian is a county next to Xi’an, we can see the countryside there.”We ride on the car, it looks like the buildings outside the window are running backward, and I see the green field. After a while, there are only trees outside of the window. We ride on the big car for about one and a half hour. Dad said, “Here’s Lantian.”We get off the car, and saw lots of trees and houses. “This is the countryside, it has crops, chickens, ducks, geese, cows, sheep here,” said Dad.We walk into a yard, Mige is here. He is a maize-yellow dog that Mom had taken care of it, she gave him to the grandma that lives at this house six months ago.Mige was very happy to meet us. He can’t stop barking, and he run and hugged Dad’s leg.“Thanks for coming to see me, I smell the scent on Jenny,” said Mige.The grandma let us sit down and have some tea, and then we walk Mige outside the yard.When Mige is at town, we had to put a collar around his neck, but we don’t have to do it here. On the way, Mige see a black dog, he doesn’t bite and he doesn’t bark, he just smell the dog.“My owner had come to see me, I’m so happy,” said Mige.That black dog looked at him, and he wagged his tail.A farmer that was picking vegetable asked us, “It was a long time, does Mige still recognize you?”“Yes, it still does,” said Mom.My parents and I sat under a big tree to relax, and we look at the cornfield and the clouds in the sky. Mige was digging holes in the soil.After a while, there came two black spots dogs, and they made Mige went upside down. “I won’t forgive you!” Mige shouted, and he stood up and chased them.When we get back to the grandma’s yard, Mige went inside the cage at once because there’s food inside, he ate the food and hums.When we ride back home, I don’t know when that I had fell asleep. When we are in the apartment, I suddenly remembered Mige, so I asked loudly: “Mom, Dad, did Mige said ‘See you!’ to us?”(I wrote this composition in Chinese before, I translate and modification it today.)