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英语翻译The test of whether the Earl Shriners should be kept in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 10:50:32
The test of whether the Earl Shriners should be kept in jail is not whether they can be cured by therapy (very unlikely,on the evidence) but on a judgment of overwhelming dangerousness.What should it take?Well,a clear and credible Shriner-like statement of intent to mutilate or kill again would automatically qualify (a no- brainer.) So would an unusually long track record of serious violence.Dangerousness is indicated by behavior,not by psychiatric guesswork.Larry McQuay,with 240 attacks on children in Texas,would easily make the cut.So would Reginald Muldrew,linked to more than 200 sexual attacks in California,set free after sixteen years in prison and now in trouble again in Indiana.
The bar should be set very high,but low enough to stop our most violent career predators.If we are serious about crime,we have to do more than just release our sexual monsters every few years to let new victims pay the price for the next brief round of confinement.
英语翻译The test of whether the Earl Shriners should be kept in
是否应该把Earl Shriners (精神病人)关在监狱里不是出于他们是否接受治疗后能康复的考虑(有证明现实,只可能性十分的微小)而是在于对极度危险的一种处理.怎么说呢?一个清楚的,可信的精神病人的说法:去伤害或杀害的倾向是自动的反应{没有经过大脑衡量的}所以一个不正常的追踪会记录着一系列的暴力.危险是由行为来定义的而不是靠心理上的推理. Larry McQuay,一个在德克萨斯州对小孩进行的多达240的侵害,能很容易的接受惩罚.同时一个与200多起猥亵儿童有关的人Reginald Muldrew在短短的十六年的关押之后,现在又在印第安纳犯事.