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托福综合写作求评分,TPO5的 great house

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/22 08:54:40
托福综合写作求评分,TPO5的 great house
In the listening material, what the professor says is completely differ from the state of the state in the reading material.
Firsty, in the reading material, the writer supposed that the "great house" is purely residental which could allow amount of people to live in. However the professor says that is not right, because although it look like a house can allow a lot of people to live in outside. However the inside equpiment stand on the other opinion. There are only about 10 fire places for cooking while the amount of people needs more fire places. Also, there is not enough rooms for so many people.
Secondly, the reading passage suppose that "great house" is used to store maize as it is food supply. However, the professor says that is not proved. The professor gives out some of the clues that there is no maize remain even the container which contradicts with what is supported in the reading passage.
Finally, the reading passage tells that the "great house" is used for special ceremonies. However, the professor contradicts with this point of view. He says that the broken pots and abandoned materials occurs because of the construction. Those workers of the construction used these pot and they abadoned them in the "great house" after they finish their work.
So the opinion of the professor completely contradicts with what is said in the reading passage.
托福综合写作求评分,TPO5的 great house
再问: 那我少用一点However,Passage是不用写还是还要再精炼的提到一下 就是说是1.The professor contradicts the passage and hold on an opinion of…… 还是2.The professor hold on the opinion of …… which contradict with the passage that says…… 是应该写成1好 还是写成2好
再答: n the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the reading passage that deep-sea mining is hopeful. First of all, according to the lecture, although there are rich scarcely metals near volcanic vent of seabed, immediate technology for deep-sea mining is undeveloped and the metals from the mining are not always available. For example, it is hard to separate metals from the sediment in terms of collecting technology. Moreover, transferring the metals out of the sea is not easy with respect to transportation. Secondly, the professor argues that harmful minerals and chemicals will spread out through water even if the mining spot is within two thousand kilometers from the volcanic vent. And these minerals and chemicals would drift back towards the vent, which means that the ecosystems near the vent would be disturbed and the consequences are long-term. The reading passage, by comparison, suggests that ecosystems nearby would not be affected. Lastly, the professor points out that international agencies and laws are only valid for open sea. But mining companies choose coastal areas of a particular country as mining locations which are managed by the government of this country rather than by the laws. Therefore the laws are not helpful to confine the mining companies. The reading passage, in contrast, indicates the international agencies and laws could regulate mining firms in case of polluting the environment. 范文一篇,按照 这个比例写就好了,范文有语法错误,不要完全照搬... 回1. passage是略写,应该是不可以不提的吧。 回2.其实无所谓,只要是passage灰常少,听力很detailed,就ok。
再问: 呃,这是TPO几啊?哦,对了,听力的所谓detail是不是就是说一个大的点,加一个说明这个大的点的一个例子啊?就是说,听力里面那么多东西我记不下来,但是大概意思记到了,OK不?
再答: 不知道。。。让你看比例又没让你看内容。。。管他是几啊! detailed的就是细节化,是让你默写听力内容,不是让你自由发挥啊。 记不下来就要做笔记啊,要不给你的草纸是干嘛的啊!
再问: 就是笔记记不下来……,它念,我写,是要练的是吗?我还剩7天,练得上来不?
再答: 是要练的 赶紧练吧 笔记有很多技巧的 去翻翻看吧。。。