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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/14 06:34:20
首先让我记忆犹新的是杰克在甲板上第一次看到萝丝的场面,我敢保证那就是我们说的一见钟情.无神的的眼神配上呆滞的表情,仿佛全世界只剩下萝丝一个人.之后便到了萝丝因为不满拘束,仿佛笼子里的金丝雀一样的生活.想要跳海自杀.这时候杰克出现,第一次对萝丝说出了“You jump,I jump.”有些人觉得这只是杰克想要劝解萝丝的方式.我觉得,与其这么理解,不如说是杰克对萝丝的第一次表白.而正是这一次表白,救了萝丝的命.
电影的高潮就在这里开始了,杰克从背后抱着萝丝站在甲板最前边的栏杆上,让萝丝伸开双臂.萝丝激动地大喊道.“Jack,I'm flying!”此刻镜头移动到了被夕阳斜照的大海中,这场面给了我深深地震撼.真的太美了.
I went to see Titanic with my girlfriend in Labor Day, we were deeply moved again.
the movie began with a necklace-Heart of the Ocean. when an explorer group was seaching it, however,they found a painting of a woman.through TV, Rose who was on that painting told what happend about Titanic eighty-four years ago. it impressed not only the explorers in the movie,but also the audience in the cinema.
well today, i want to say some sences and dialogue which deeply impressed or shocked me in that film.
the sence that Jack met Rose for the first time on the deck remained fresh in my memory.and i'm sure it was called'Love at the first sight'.glazed eyes and dazed expressions, in Jack's eyes the world just left Rose alone. later we saw Rose wanted to kill herself because of her living jusr like a restrained canary in the cage.By this time,Jack appeared and said the words'You jump,I jump. 'to Rose.some people thought that just the way Jack persuaded Rose.rather than persuaded, I actually believed that was Jack's first expression.and it saved rose's life.
as the story develops, because of her mother's advice or maybe you could call it force , Rose decided to broke up with Jack.and no matter jack how to say, it seemed no use.but after hard struggle of either the love or reason, family or her own happiness, poorness with felicity or richness with suffering, or rather trammel or free, Rose firmly decided to go with Jack.
when we saw Jack embraced the Rose from her back, they standed on the headmost rail of the deck. we knew the climax of the movie started here, Jack told Rose to open her arms. Rose did it and shouted excitedly'Jack,I'm flying!' at this time,we can saw the sunset slanted on the ocean. this sence really shocked me deeply. and it was really really fabulous.
it was true that old Chinese saying 'every dog has its day', Rose should be initiative this time. she demanded Jack draw her body with the 'Heart of the Ocean' Jack agreed, then his expression instantly froze because Rose said'just with it'. that exprssion was still fresh in my mind. it just liked a little boy who was eager to get a candy, but suddenly got a whole candy shop. for me this flattered expression was really cute.
i remember some person said that 'Tragedy is a show of tearing up nice things to human', and it was real when i saw the following story. the ship rushed into the iceberg for the fault of the capitain. tragedy started here. i really moved by the despairing expression of Jack when he was trapped but Rose said nothing, the firmly eyes of Rose when she believed and decided to find Jack. the never separated love of Jack and Rose when they escaped, the steadfastness of Rose when she resolutely gave up the chance of survival, the process of they seeked chance to survival when the sailor killed a person by fault and the dialouge of Jack and Rose-trust me? yes,i trust you. many many sences deeply printed in my heart till now. this is love, nothing could seperate.
the Titanic finally sank. Jack let Rose lay on a floating board, but he stayed in the cold water. he told Rose to survive toughly no matter how despraired over and over. finally, the lifeboat came,but Jack could only live in Rose's mind. when i saw here, i wept and so did my girlfriend. she hold fast my hand. i could not speak out my feeling at that time, what i knew was just very painful.
actully, the sence that sailor asked the name of Rose was the most moveing part in my mind. She said' Dawson,Jack Dawson'without hesitation. She totally considered herself as the wife of Jack. gave my firstname with your surname. here, i could not control my tears, i'm not joking,i'm a boy and i choked with sobs in the cinema. i think that is the true love.
at the last part of the film, the old Rose threw the 'heart of th ocean' into the sea. then slept peacefully. in her dream, she was back to the Titanic,and she saw Jack was waiting for her. Jack reached out and held the hand of young Rose. All the people in Titanic applauded for their happiness. till now, the film was over.
althoughi gradually calm down,the sence sitll fresh in my memory after tears again, long time no forget.
英语翻译在五一放假的时候,我和我的准女友去看了3D的泰坦尼克号,再次被感动.电影是以科学家寻找一条名为“海洋之星”的项链 英语翻译前段时间看过一部电影,《泰坦尼克号》,我在最后几幕的时候哭了,被主角对生存的渴望和执着的爱感动.提起这部影片,一 英语翻译五一放假我和我的父母去泰山看日出.为了看日出我们出发了好几天了.终于在4:30分我们到了泰山.第二天早晨天渐渐亮 英语翻译请帮我翻译成英文,我在这个假期看了两部很好的英文电影,《泰坦尼克号》和《红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge),都 求海洋之心的英文名字 海洋之心是泰坦尼克中的那条项链 不要直译 要官方的 英语翻译.悬赏~大家应该都听说过《泰坦尼克号》这部电影吧?它是我最喜欢的电影.杰克和罗丝的爱情故事让我非常感动,他们可以 感动我的科学家 泰坦尼克号是我最喜欢的电影用英语怎摸说 电影《冰岛沉船》描述的是1912年一艘叫“泰坦尼克号”的大海船,因为跟冰山相撞而沉没的悲剧,为了避免悲剧再次发生,科学家 英语翻译最近上映了一部电影《泰坦尼克号3d》,这部电影第一次被卡梅隆拍摄于1997年,它讲述了一个动人而悲壮的爱情故事. 英语翻译1、我在这个假期看了一部电影,它的名字叫《xxx》.它感动了我.就这个句子. 泰坦尼克号rose丢掉海洋之心的含义?