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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/25 19:48:36
2,speak less and listen more
Business negotiation is actually a dialogue,in this dialogue,the two sides that their situation,present their point of view,and listen to each other proposal,offer,and do the proposal,also offer,mutual concessions,and finally reach an agreement.Success in the negotiation of the negotiators to more than 50% of the time to listen to.They listen to,side to side,analysis,and to keep the other side puts forward problems,in order to ensure the completely correct understanding of each other.In commercial activities to negotiate with varied,we can't take out with the same attitude to treat all negotiations.We need to negotiate according to the results of the negotiations and how important to decide when to take to the negotiations attitude.If negotiations the object to the enterprise is very important,such as long-term customers,and the content of the talks with the results of the company is not very important,then with the mentality of the concession negotiations,that is,in the enterprise did not too big loss and influence of meet each other,this for future cooperation will be more powerful.If negotiations the object to the enterprise is very important,and the result of the negotiation to enterprise also important,then held a friendly and cooperative attitude,as far as possible to achieve win-win,will both sides of the conflict to a third party,such as market division appear antinomy,so can suggest both or assist each other to develop new market,expand regional area,and will be the opposite of competition into negotiations to competition.If negotiations the object to the enterprise is not important,the enterprise is also unimportant to negotiations,dispensable,so can easily go into battle,don't put too much energy consumption in such negotiations or even cancel such negotiations.If negotiations the object to the enterprise is not important,but the negotiations to enterprise is very important,so is the attitude of the competition in a positive role in the talks and don't have to consider negotiation rivals,completely in the best negotiating result oriented.
英语翻译2、少说多听商务谈判实际上是一种对话,在这个对话中,双方说明自己的情况,陈述自己的观点,倾听对方的提案、发盘、并 寻求商务谈判的英文对话 英语翻译在商务谈判中,双方人际关系的变化,主要通过语言交流来体现.双方各自的语言,都是表达自己的愿望和要求的.当用语言表 英语翻译商务谈判重要性日渐显现。由于中美文化差异对双方商务谈判的影响至深,因此中国谈判人员要在中美商务谈判中获得成功就必 英语翻译比如,在谈判中,双方各有翻译一名.对方外国的谈判者说的话,我方翻给我听,而我说的话,由对方翻译翻给对方听,那为什 英语翻译商务谈判,既是商务问题的谈判,又是策略的较量.它不仅被商务实际条件所左右,也受到商务谈判策略的影响.在商务谈判中 英语翻译应对国际商务谈判中文化差异问题的策略(一)做好谈判的计划工作也就是要充分了解自己及谈判对手的情况,包括其他利益方 商务谈判的英文论文商务谈判是人们在各类经济业务中,为使双方(或多方)的意见趋于一致而进行的洽谈磋商.谈判的业务内容不仅包 求与印度商人进行商务谈判的英语对话,能够反映他们的谈判风格! 如何理解商务谈判?请结合实际,谈谈商务谈判对自己未来的指导意义? 英语翻译(需要翻译中文如下)现代社会由于商务活动的频繁性和广泛性,商务谈判成为热门话题,商务谈判是一个围绕双方经济利益, 英语翻译商务礼仪是在商务谈判中体现相互尊重的行为准则.商务礼仪的核心是一种行为的准则,用来约束我们日常商务活动的方方面面