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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/30 17:13:23
This story is about great poet Bai Li .In his childhood,one day ,he was tired of reading ,so he droped his book and went to play outside .
When he was wandering outside ,he saw a old lady sitting on a low stool beside a blade grinder with a thick iron bar in her hands and she was abrading that iron bar back and forth dedicated.
Bai li asked :“please tell me what are you doing here?"
"abrading a needle"the old lady answered.
Baili was confused,so he asked again without thinking :"can this thick iron bar be abraded to a needle?"
Then,the old lady looked up and stared Baili kindly ,she said:"yes,it's right that this iron bar is thick ,it is difficult to make it a needle ,but if i abrades it from time to time ,i will made it someday.kid,thick iron bar can be abraded to a needle so long as you work hard!"
Hearing what the old lady said,Baili suddenly apprehended.So he went back to his study room,opened the book he could not understand and began to reading .
Well,everything can be done well if you keep doing it everyday.
So does the studying ,although there are something you don't understand ,you keep reading everyday ,you will comprehend it someday.
英语翻译大诗人李白,幼年时有一天觉得读书枯燥无味,便丢下书,逃学出去玩.当他闲游闲逛时看见一位老妈妈坐在磨刀石上的矮凳上 英语翻译唐代大诗人李白,幼年时便读那些经书、史书,那些书都十分深奥,他一时读不懂,便觉枯燥无味,于是他丢下书,逃学出去玩 英语翻译和小学同学出去玩 在大街上闲逛 聊天 大家都在不同的学校 很少联系 有的时候会想念他们 中午吃pizza 下午去 关于李白的成语李白是唐朝的一位大诗人,可是在他的坟前,却又无数字名为才子的人,提上不少诗句.到了明朝万历年间,有一位学者 英语翻译汤姆幼年丧母,由姨妈收养.聪明顽皮的汤姆受不了姨妈和学校老师的管束,常常逃学闯祸.一天深夜,他与好朋友哈克贝利· 他常常和他的朋友在街道上闲逛 英语翻译 英语翻译1.当莪出去的时候我看见他们踢足球 2.EMMA天天弹吉他,可是今天她没有弹 3.他们昨天在晚会上玩得很开心 李大爷某一天晨练,6点之后从家出去时看见钟表上的时针与分针夹角为110,当他7点 14岁的小明经常逃学上网吧玩游戏违反了什么法律? 英语翻译逃学的孩子们,大多数都不愿意学习,他们经常做的事情就是逃学,去外面玩,上网看电影.但是一个叫做MIKE的男孩,他 “一位老人坐在公园的长椅上,看到了一切(进行时)”英语翻译 英语翻译1,一位富人坐在椅子上,正在吃东西.一位乞丐走上前去,向他伸出肮脏的手.2,然后便转身离开,他的钱包却掉在了椅子