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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 01:27:26
In 2006 Doha Asian Games, Pan Xiaoting won two bronze medals in the American eight-ball and nine-ball games. But she was not satisfied with the results, saying that 100 bronze medals could not match a gold one and she would fight for the championship four years later. Then In Guangzhou, Pan Xiaoting finally realized her dream. In the nine-ball game of women's final in the Asian Games, she beat her opponent with 7-5, harvesting the first piece gold medal of the Asian Games in Chinese women's nine-ball game .
After the game, Pan Xiaoting told the reporters that in the Asian Games four years ago, she wanted to get this gold medal particularly. But she was too tense to win. She said "Four years later, after the last lesson in Doha, I learned a lot. I told myself not to think about the results, but the process as the latter leads to the former."
Pan Xiaoting thought that the mood of playing in the Asian Games was completely different from that of other games. She had never been more nervous and involved. "I think the Asian Games is an experience that I sometimes feel quite torturing, but fortunately, I can feel more relaxed now. The results in the first two years were far from ideal ones, this game is just the best encouragement for me. I hope I can go further then. "
We can learn a lot from her. Stand up from where you tripped over, which is required as well in our lives, work and study.
英语翻译在2006年的多哈亚运会上,潘晓婷在美式八球和美式九球两个项目上获得了2枚铜牌,这样的成绩她并不满意,曾表示10 在第15届亚运会上,我国香港特区运动员获得6枚金牌,12枚银牌,10枚铜牌.所获金牌、银牌和铜牌的数量 8、今年在多哈举行的亚运会上,中国代表团共夺得316枚奖牌,其中金牌有165个,银牌有88个,其余的是铜牌. 在第14届釜山亚运会和第15届多哈亚运会上,我国体育健儿共获得金牌315枚,其中这两届亚运会我国体育健儿所获得的金牌数之 我国体育健儿在第十五届亚运会上又一次创造出惊人成绩,共获得奖牌316枚.金、... 金牌占52%银牌占28%铜牌占20% 在第16届亚运会上,中国代表团取得了第一的成绩.中国代表团获得的金牌 在第十三届亚运会上,到某一天中国已获得了二百多枚奖牌,其中金牌的枚数是银牌枚数的7/4倍少17枚,铜牌的 2010年广州亚运会上,我国获得的奖牌416枚,其中银牌119,金牌是铜牌的2倍还多3枚,问金牌有几枚? 数学题2006年多哈亚运会上中国代表团金牌数和奖牌数都高居首位已知本届亚运会上中国代表团共获得165块金牌 急2006年多哈亚运会上中国代表团金牌数和奖牌数都高居首位已知本届亚运会上中国代表团共获得165块金 中国在2010年广州亚运会上获得的奖牌总数是416枚,其中,铜牌数量是银牌数量的14/17,是金牌数量的98/199.. 在第15届亚运会上,我国香港特区运动员获得6枚金牌,12枚银牌,10枚铜牌.把它化成最简整数比