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英语翻译要用到括号中的关键字,十九号之前要~谢谢~1. 非常感谢你为我推选这么好的一本书。(appreciate) 2.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/13 16:47:29
1. 非常感谢你为我推选这么好的一本书。(appreciate)
2. 对我公司产品感兴趣的人可以拨打电话65562788与我们联系。(contact)
3. 与好朋友交谈可以使你在精神上感到放松。(relax)
4. 一支由3名医生与6名护士的医疗队将被派到山区里工作一年。(consist of)
5. 他把一生都奉献于为他人服务。(devote)
6.他配得上作为一个著名画家这样的声誉。(reputation, deserve)
11. 污染对健康有害,所以我们要采取措施控制污染。(take measures)
12.我们要不惜一切代价防止这种疾病蔓延。(at all costs)
15.昨天他起得很早,为的是赶头班车。(so that)
18.正是驾驶员的粗心酿成了这起可怕的车祸。(result in)
20.你学习越用功,取得的进步就越大。(The more…,the more…)
21. 随着现代社会的发展,电脑在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。 (play a role in)
22.根据学校规定,学生每周一必须穿校服。(regulation, be dressed in)
23.他如此专心于他的小说,以致没听到我进来。(be absorbed in)
33. 他不顾繁忙的研究工作,设法在业余时间保持一些爱好,比如看书和听音乐。(in spite of)
34. 我们非常感激老师为我们推荐这么好的书。(recommend)
35. 他无视交通信号灯,被一辆过路的车辆撞倒了。(ignore)

36. 不同的人对失败有着不同的态度。(attitude)
37. 问路的时候说声“劳驾”, 这是有礼貌的。(good manners)

38. 既然人人都知道抽烟对健康有害,为什么还有这么多人不愿戒烟呢?(give up)
39. 在会议开始的时候,他首先向在场的人作了自我介绍。(introduce)
40. 我建议你做功课前先复习一下课文,这样可避免许多错误。(suggest)
41. 电脑的发明已经对科学的发展产生了很大的影响。(effect)
42. 被称为世界第八奇迹(wonder)的长城每天吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的游客。 (attract)

43. 我们应该告诫青少年不要整天玩游戏。(warn)
44. 不管遇到什么样的困难,我决不丧失信心。(Never…)
45. 他在实验中失败多次,但他相信失败是成功之母。(believe)
46. 所有在事故中受伤的人都被及时送往医院,在那里受到很好的照顾。(where)
47. 学会充分利用时间就意味着取得成功。(mean)
英语翻译要用到括号中的关键字,十九号之前要~谢谢~1. 非常感谢你为我推选这么好的一本书。(appreciate) 2.
1:I appreciate it very much that you recommend such a good book to me.
2:People interested in our company's products can call 65562788 to contact us.
3:It makes you relax in spirit to talk to a good friend
4:A medical team consiting of three doctors and six nurses were sent to the mountains to work for one year
5: He devoted his life to serving others
6:As a famous painter,he deserves this reputation
7:He had gone to sleep before the football match begun
8:Many people now often take advantage of long vacation to travel out
9 It is said that the best way to learn a language is to communicate with people who speak it.
10 The local government will strive to provide orphaned children a good education
11 Pollution is harmful to health, so we must take measures to control it.
12 We must at all costs to prevent the spread of the disease
13 Hardly did he return home when it rained
14 Since you have time today, you'd better help mother do some household chores
15 Yesterday,he got up early so that he could catch the first class
16 He found himself facing a very difficult situation
17 You must adapt yourself to the new environment as soon as possible
18 It is the driver's carelessness resulting in this terrible accident
19 Young people should go wherever they are most needed
20 The more you study hard, the more progress you will make
21 With the development of modern society, computer is palying an more and more important role in people's daily life
22 In accordance with the regulation of the school, students must be dressed in uniforms every Monday.
23 He was too absorbed in his novel to hear me coming in
24 The Great Wall is one of the interests attracting tourists most in Beijing
25 Books can provide us with very valuable knowledge and happiness
26 I would rather stay at home than go shopping with them together.
27 Hearing he was killed in a car accident , I am so shocked.
28 In the process of learning a foreign language, we should be coursed in improving reading speed
29 You do not have to buy this book,it is available in our school library
30 In the knowledge of classical music no one match him
31 A number of species on Earth is facing the threaten of extinction
32 The library under construction will be open to students and teachers early next year
33 In spite of his busy work, he tried to maintain some interest in free time, such as reading and listening to music
34 We are very grateful to teachers for recommending this book to us
35 He ignored the traffic lights, and was knocked down by a vehicle crossing the road
36 Different people have different attitude towards failure
37 It is good manners to say excuse me when asking the way
38 Now that it is known that smoking is harmful to health, why is there still many people that don't give up smoking
39 At the beginning of the meeting ,he fist introduced himeself to people present
40 I suggest you review the text before you do some homework , so that many errors can be avoided
41 The invention of computers has had an great effect on the development of science
42 Known as the world's eighth wonder, the Great Wall attracts tens of thousands every day from all over the world
43 We should warn youngsters not to play games all day
44 No matter what kind of difficulties encountered, I never lost confidence
45 He failed many times in the experiment, but he believes that failure is the mother of success.
46 All injured in the accident were sent to hospital, where they were well cared for
47 Learning to make full use of time means a success
好了 妈呀 累死我了