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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 12:27:50
Lesson 73
1. Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.
(1)play truant from school表示“逃学”,上下文清楚时也可以省略from school,直接说play truant.truant也可以单用,表示“逃学者”.
As a boy, Tom used to play truant (from school).
The three boys who are fishing over there are truants and ought to be sent back to school.
Painters should be imaginative.
He is an imaginative painter.
2. A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.
(1)这句话的主语是is前面的两个并列短语.第1个短语的主要成分是动名词fishing,第2个短语的主要成分可以看作是eight hours(作为一个时间的总量,它后面要跟动词单数形式).它实际上是省略了动名词sitting for (eight hours),seeing引导的为分词短语,表示伴随动作.
(2)over and over again为固定短语,表示“一再地”、“反复许多次地”:
As my grandmother can't hear very well, I had to say over and over again.
(3)as far as 在这里表示“到…程度”、“就…而言”,是连词,与局里没有关系:
As far as I know, his operation is successful.
3.put …to shame,使…蒙羞,使…相形见绌.
What he has done put his parents to shame.
He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame.
4.in the meantime,在此期间(相当于meanwhile),
I feel tired and would like to take a nap. In the meantime, you may do some reading.
5. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border.
这个句子的主语是The next car,谓语动词是take, into和but to 引导的是两个并列状语.the boy stopped 为car的关系从距,前面省略了做宾语的关系代词which/that;as he hoped it would 则为方式状语从句.
6. There he was picked up by a policeman…
pick up 的含义之一是“逮捕”、“拘捕”:
After the accident, he was picked up by the police.
Lesson 74
1. out of the limelight
She has been in the limelight since she became an actress.
Although he is a government official, he tries to keep out of the limelight.
2. An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and party of famous actors and actresses got off.
(1) ancient在这里表示“老式的”、“古旧的”,与old意思相近,但比old有幽默感:
Where did you find that ancient dress?
(2) river bed 指河床,名词river 作形容词用,类似的还有flower bed(花坛)等.
(3) party作量词用时表示“一行”、“一伙”、“一群”等,如a party of tourists/boys(一群旅行者/男孩)等.
3. No newspaper men, no film fans!
这是个省略句,完整的句子为:There are no newspaper men and no film fans! 这里的no与用于公告牌上的no是有区别的.
4.Why don’t we come more often?
“Why + don’t/doesn’t +主语+动词+?结构可用来提出建议:
I don’t like this watch.我不喜欢这块表.
Then why don’t you change it? (那你为什么不换一块呢?
5.When they had all made themselves comfortable…
许多动词都可以与宾语+宾语补足与连用,如drive, get, find, keep, leave, like, make, paint, prefer, pull, want, wipe等:
Aero planes are slowly driving me mad.飞机正在逐渐把握避疯.
He found the test difficult.他发现考试不容易.
6. Now you get out of here…
Now 在这里是加强口气的语气词,get out of here是语气较重的说话方式,表示“滚出去”、“滚开”.
7. in case you can’t read
in case 表示“假使”、“万一…的话”、“免得”、“以防万一”.它通常用于引导条件或目的状语从句.当句子表示将来的时间是,in case 后面必须用现在时态或should/might:
I’m taking a raincoat with me in case I need it.我随身带着雨衣,以备不时之需.(表示目的)
In case he comes/should come, give him this letter.假如/万一他来的话,把这封信给他.(表示条件)
8. Don’t be too hard on us
be hard on 表示“对…(过分)严厉,为固定短语:
Don’t be too hard on that child.别对孩子太严厉.
He is always hard on his employees.它对雇员总是很严厉.
9. Well, I’m Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam.
well 在此处为语气词.这句话表示她不相信罗克沃尔的话,用的是极小的口气,即“如果你是…,那么我就是…”.
Lesson 75
1. flew off course
off 表示“偏离”,为介词:
Our office is off the main street.我们的办公室不靠大街.
During the storm, the ship went off course.在暴风雨中,船驶离了航线.
2. her two baby daughters
baby 在这里是形容词,指“幼小的”.
3. Snow lay thick on the ground.
Lie 表示“出于某种状态”时,后面常跟形容词或分词:
When I saw her yesterday, she lay ill in bed.昨天我见到她时,她正卧病在床.
The old man lies ill and neglected in bed.老人卧病在床,无人照管.
4.The woman kept as near as she could to the children…
Keep 在这里表示“保持(某种状态)”.as …as one can/could 和 as …as possible同义,都表示“尽可能…”
He got through as much food as he could and set out.她吃了尽可能多的食物,然后出发了.
Tell Jim to come to my office as soon as he can.让吉姆尽快到我的办公室来.
5. She stamped out the letters‘SOS’in the snow.
Out 在这里为副词,表示“出线”“显露”等:
The writer has brought out another book.这位作家又出版了一本书.
He wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.他开列一张长长的担子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物.
6.It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.
(1) to 引导的不定式为目的状语.
(2)It was not long before…为固定举行,表示“不久就…”(也可以用It will not be long before…表示将来可能发生的事),其含义与before long(不久)相近,只是before 在课文这个句型中是连词,而在before long中为介词:
It was not long before they learnt the news.他们不久就知道了这消息.
It will not be long before he gets over his illness.它大概不久就会痊愈.
Lesson 76
1.…we’re going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
(1)go over 表示“往…走过去”,暗示中间原有一段距离:
I went over to the blind man to help him across the road.我走到那个盲人身边,帮他过马路.
Many people are busy harvesting in the rice fields.稻田里许多人正忙着收割.
(3)macaroni指“通心粉”,是加工过的面粉.她不可能像wheat, rice 一样长在田里,不该与fields连用,但是由于是愚弄人的玩笑,所以这篇文章通篇都是以通心粉长在地里为前提进行的描述.由于macaroni是意大利语,很可能有人会以为是某种没听说过的新的粮食品种.
2. between them
Between them they killed the snake.他们一起杀死了那条蛇.
Between us we pulled down the tree.我们协力把树拉到了.
3. The September rains
Rain 一般指“雨水”:
The rain is falling heavily.雨下得很大.
We haven’t had much rain this year.今年雨水不多.
当rain 指“雨季”、“季节性的雨”,尤其是热带地区的雨季是,要用复数形式:
We’d better leave the district before the April rains.我们最好在4月的雨季之前离开这个地区.
Sometimes spring rains are really annoying.有时绵绵春雨真让人心烦意乱.