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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/19 21:11:06
Information technology has been widely utilized in many industrial areas, and auto repair is one of those stereotypes. The informatization of auto repair directly influences the mode of management and operation; simultaneously, it sets up the higher requirements of the technicians' comprehensive quality.
The existed problems in the management system of auto repair currently are listed below: incapability of checking the information of the repairing by the car owner at real time; insufficiency of systematic management and supervision in the aspect of receiving orders and repairing testing; the inability of establishing the favorable communication between the car owners and the repairing technicians, inducing the negative atmosphere of an ineffective supervision and competition between the technicians; missing humanized understanding between car owners and technicians; the over-simplified management, instead of helping the car owners to experience of convenience, fast-paced speed and checking the status at real time by means of handling the clients and technicians' information with systematic management, results in the gradually growth of the profit in the auto repairing area.
This article talks about the realization of systematization, standardization, paper-free and automation through the ASP. This article shows the comprehensive functions of the auto-repairing and reporting management systems, friendly interface, easy operation and the humanized features, aiming to establish a home with the environment of loves in terms of cars. Some specific functions are as follow: users registration, log-in, loading information of the client and vehicle, and the status of the repairing cars at real time; queries of the information about the orders and the certification by the technicians. During the repairing process, forfeiting the current orders and other functions are available. After the repairing, the order will be certified as being accomplished and waited for the evaluation from the clients; the managers can set up the information of the system, add and delete accounts and repairing information, and export the reports.
再问: 【再帮我翻译这段,分就给你,并追加20】本文提供了由维修人员网上接单并在维修中实时报告进程,使得车主可以在想知道车辆的维修信息和进程的时候,准确、快速的查询的当前自己维修车辆的状况,此外还设计了车主给维修工评价打分功能,与时俱进的结合了当下尊重用户的意见和评价的趋势,使得管理者在对维修工人奖惩上有一个量化的信息,形成良性竞争,(还有、)
再答: This article provides the instructions which will help the technicians to collect the orders online and present the real-time processing reports, benefiting the clients to know about the information and the process of the maintenance accurately and rapidly. Moreover, this designation offers the evaluating function, which, being strictly along with time, sets up the quantitative standards and information for the managers or supervisors as they take consideration of the prize to the technicians, with means of the combination of the feedback from the clients and the trends of the evaluation, in order to motivate the healthy competition within the industry. 希望对你有帮助。
再问: 最后一句!! 谢谢 ,从而激励更多的维修工把工作的中心放在提高维修服务质量和用户对服务的满意度上,增加了汽车修理厂的竞争力,提高了企业效益。 关键词:ASP ;汽车修理管理;自动化;评价打分
再答: It motivates the technicians to put their heart wholly on achieving higher quality of the repairing services and maximizing the customer satisfaction. It will eventually increase the competence the company itself and bring the company's efficiency to a higher level. Key words: ASP; Management of Auto Repairing; Automation; Evaluation. 搞定了,哈哈
英语翻译信息化技术已经被广泛应用于很多领域,汽车维修行业就是其中的一个典型。汽车维修行业信息化的直接影响着管理、经营模式 英语翻译随着私家车数量的与日俱增,汽车用漆极巨增加,汽车维修喷漆行业大量涌现,在喷漆作业过程中漆雾所含的有害物质被直接排 汽车维修和电梯维修这两个行业在现在来看,电梯是一个新兴的行业,不知道发展前途会怎么样?汽修已经这么多年一直以来都是很好的 汽车维修行业职业病危害知多少 水处理行业中,EDI的维修技术和应用范围, 英语翻译摘要:基于因特网技术的电子商务,正在改变着各个行业的经营模式,本文就电子商务对客户关系管理的概述以及如何提高客户 英语翻译摘要:面对飞速发展的汽车维修业,我们目前的管理工作已经显得有些落后了.作为一个新兴行业,一个朝阳产业,如何让它更 汽车维修行业存在哪些职业病危害因素 英语翻译企业信息化是国民经济信息化的重要领域,也是我国企业发展中的必然过程,信息环境的优劣在很大程度上影响着企业的竞争能 求高人英语翻译一下汽车故障诊断思维方法的培养在汽车维修领域里,由于种种原因,很多维修人员在判断故障时失误较多.这并不是因 汽车的制动力汽车维修,急. 英语翻译【内容摘要】随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,信息化建设受到各行各业的广泛重视.在银行业,信息化建设提高了资源的使用效率