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英语翻译Most emigrants escaped political oppression,to seek the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 17:29:52
Most emigrants escaped political oppression,to seek the freedom to practice their religion,or for adventure and opportunities
Settlers including English,Dutch,Swedes and Germans,a few French and a scattering of Spaniards,Italians and Portuguese
The first African slaves were brought to Virginia in 1619
Society in the middle colonies was more varied and cosmopolitan
Germans became the colony's most skillful farmers
Cottage industries such as weaving,shoemaking,cabinetmaking and other crafts were important
The southern settlements were predominantly rural
The Scots and Irish tended to settle in the back country,where they cleared land and lived by hunting and farming
The British government needed more money to support its growing empire,so it started a new financial policy
The colonists resisted the new taxes and regulations imposed by England,such as the Sugar Act,the Stamp Act,the Townshend Act or the Coercive Act
The 13 colonies were not yet one united nation.
On a national level,the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union" produced by John Dickinson in 1776,were adopted by the Continental Congress in November 1777,and they went into effect in 1781
the South became solidly united behind the institution of slavery
chief among these was the rise of a great cotton-growing industry
sugarcane and tobacco,labor-intensive crops contributed to slavery's extension
1860-- After Abraham Lincoln was elected president
11 states left the Union and proclaimed themselves an independent nation,the Confederate States of America
Including South Carolina,Mississippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana,Texas,Virginia,Arkansas,Tennessee,and North Carolina.
In 1803,President Jefferson negotiated the purchase of Louisiana with the French
From 1816 to 1821,6 new states were created -- Indiana,Illinois,Maine,Mississippi,Alabama and Missouri
Western expansion led to increasing conflicts with the Indians of the West
New England and the Middle Atlantic states --main centers of manufacturing,commerce and finance.
Principal products were textiles,lumber,clothing,machinery,leather and woolen goods.
The South featured an economy centered on agriculture.
In 1849,gold was discovered in California.
An important stimulus to western prosperity was the great improvement in transportation facilities
Between 1840 and 1860,the United States received its first wave of immigrants,nearly 4.5 Million.
By 1865,about 1/5 Union soldiers was a wartime immigrant.
Famine,rising populations and political unrest stimulated emigration
By 1900,the U.S.had more rail mileage than all of Europe.The petroleum,steel and textile industries prospered.
An electrical industry flourished as Americans made use of a series of inventions:the telephone,the light bulb,the phonograph.
英语翻译Most emigrants escaped political oppression,to seek the
(当初)移民到美国的人们多是为了躲避宗教迫害 也有想在此实现自己宗教梦想 寻求自由或喜好冒险 寻求发财的.
这些定居者中有英格兰人 荷兰人 瑞典人 德国人 一些法国人 还有少数散居的西班牙人 意大利人和葡萄牙人
个体工商业主要以编织 制鞋 造柜 也有其他手工业.
殖民地人民对英国政府强加的税收条款和相关法规奋起反抗,诸如《食糖法案》 《邮票法案》 《汤森德法案》 《强制法案》
1776年约翰 迪金森起草的《论联邦及永久联盟的文章》在1777年的大陆会议上得以采纳并被应用于全国范围.该法案于1781年正式生效.
种棉业 制糖业 烟草业 劳动密集性农业为主的产业都助长了奴隶制的扩张.
1860年 亚伯拉罕 林肯当选为美国总统
这11个州分别是南卡 密西西比州 佛罗里达州 亚拉巴马州 佐治亚州 路易斯安那州 德克萨斯州 佛吉尼亚州 阿肯色州 田纳西州 和北卡.
1803年 美国第三任总统 托马斯杰佛逊与法国人谈判购买来路易斯安那州.
从 1816 到 1821年 6月期间 又有几个州相继成立 分别是印第安纳州 伊利诺伊州 缅因州 密西西比州 阿拉巴马州 和密苏里州.
欧洲殖民者的扩张最终导致了西新英格兰的印第安人与作为制造业 商业 金融主要集散地的大西洋中部州的殖民者之间的矛盾激化.
大西洋中部州主要产品为纺织品 木材 服装 机械 皮革 和木制品
1849年 加利福尼亚州发现金矿.
1840 年到1860年期间,美国迎来首批的450W移民.
到1865年为止 每五个联邦士兵里就有一个是美国南北战争时移民而来的
饥荒 人口激增 政局动荡都是移民的原因.
到1900年为止 美国的铁路总长已经超过了欧洲各国.石油 钢铁 纺织业蓬勃发展
由于一系列的发明创新:电话 白炽灯泡和电报在美国的广泛应用,电力工业一跃兴起.