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1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 09:51:44
1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to .句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还是不定式做状语?如何辨别?见过都是的humanitarian crisis,此处的crises为什么用复数?
2.On this World Population Day,I call on decision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count.Only by considering the needs of all women and men,girls and boys,can we achieve the Millennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations.句中为什么用each and every,用一个不就可以吗?count是什么词性?此处是不是应该用被动做宾补?by引导的介词短语做状语,那only是干什么的?什么词性?
3.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete a national census in the past have reported success during this current round.
4.Public service is not always an easy career choice to make,but it can be
immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved in addressing
the challenges of our time.这句话中的to后面那个句子是状语还是定语?修饰什么?如何判断的?
5.We need to recruit into the public service an ever-increasing tide of ambitious
youth.句子an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth是宾补吗?宾补不是只有某些动词才可以有吗?
1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make in
/>Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to humanitarian crises句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是不定式做目的状语

根据意思 辨别  句子意思 人口数据可以帮助领导者和决策者作出明智的决定  来 减少 贫穷 和饥饿
如果说 作定语 也能 说通 .但 我的 看法 是作状语 .
 此处的crises用复数 表示 不同种类的 humanitarian crises
2.On this World Population Day,I call on decision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count.Only by considering the needs of all women and men,girls and boys,can we achieve the Millennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations.句中用each and every是为了强调 ,用一个可以
count是动词 是秃头 不定式 作宾补  此处不应该用被动做宾补  因为 这里是不及物动词  重要 的意思   by介词短语做状语,only是副词 修饰状语的 起加强语气的作用 
3.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete a national census in the past have reported success during this current round.不知道 这句 你要 问什么问题
4.Public service is not always an easy career choice to make,but it can be
immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved in addressing
the challenges of our time.这句话中的to后面 没有 发现 句子 
你的意思 是动词不定式 作什么成分
 to make是作定语的 与所修饰词 是动宾关系 
to get involved in addressing.是动词不定式短语  作目的状语 
5.We need to recruit into the public service an ever-increasing tide of ambitious
youth.句子an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth是宾语 
原句=recruit an ever-increasing tide of ambitious   into the public service
再问: 2. 单看each peoson和every person有什么区别? 补充:3.success不是可数名词吗?前面为什么不加a?加上a对吗? 4.这句话指to get involved in addressing the challenges of our time是状语还是定语?修饰什么?如何判断的? 5. into the public service是什么成分?为什么提前了呢?这是宾补提前吗?
再答: 2 前者强调个体 后者 指强调全体 every person=all the persons 3.success可以是不可数名词 也可以是 可数名词 不加a是不可数名词 加上a是可数名词 这里 不应该加a 本句 是下列 第3种用法 (1. N-UNCOUNT 成功;胜利;成就 Success is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. (2. N-UNCOUNT (在某一领域的)成功,成名 Success is the achievement of a high position in a particular field, for example in business or politics. Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success. 几乎所有被采访的年轻人都认为工作是成功的关键。 (3. N-UNCOUNT (某事所取得的)成功,良好表现 The success of something is the fact that it works in a satisfactory way or has the result that is intended. (4. N-COUNT 成功的人(或事物) Someone or something that is a success achieves a high position, makes a lot of money, or is admired a great deal. The jewellery was a great success... 这些珠宝大获赞誉。 We hope it will be a commercial success. 我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。 4.是定语 修饰the opportunity 根据 句子意思 判断的( 与 我前面的说法 矛盾 了 ,其实 作状语 也能说通) 5. into the public service是宾补 提前是对宾补 的强调 这是宾补提前
再问: 那第三句中如果加上a,对不对?为什么不对? 有空再帮看下这个http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/559973658783729804.html#
再答: 第三句中如果加上a,不妥 ,因为 这里指的是 (某事所取得的)成功,良好表现 具有抽象含义 属于抽象名词 而不是 指 一个 具体的 事情 是成功的事情 前者 强调 成功 后者 强调 事情 如果 硬用 非用 的 话 也应该 用the 表示 特指一个具体的成功 事 而a 是表示类指的 many countries have reported success during this current round。 许多国家已经报道了 在这新一轮人口 普查中 的成功 many countries have reported the success during this current round。 许多国家已经报道了 在这新一轮人口 普查中 的这个成功 的事 很明显 后者 不妥
再问: 把many countries that were unable to complete a national census看作一件事,这件事is a success,我怎么觉得也可以呢? 再帮看下这个http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1817573653377773108.html
再答: 把many countries that were unable to complete a national census看作一件事,这件事is a success,如果a success 作表语 说明主语 当然 可以 不定冠词 a 表示类指 但 作宾语 就有 逻辑问题 many countries have reported a success during this current round。 许多国家已经报道了 在这新一轮人口 普查中 一个成功 的事 明显 与 想表达的句子意思 不符