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急求英语翻译!谢谢!Safe, secure and speedy: that’s the internet of 20

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 18:44:24
Safe, secure and speedy: that’s the internet of 2020. In a decade’s time, the web will be a very different place. There will be no crime, no malware and no fake online banking sites. Latency won’t be a problem. High-definition video will be smooth, and buffering will be a distant, nightmarish memory.
And that’s not all. The internet will have grown dramatically, making room for a new generation of connected devices: cars, phones, TVs, everything. Super-fast speeds are the rule, not the exception. To borrow a phrase, it just works.
At least, that’s what we hope the web will be like. To make it happen, engineers merely need to rethink the way the internet works and change pretty much everything. What could be simpler? Some big changes are already in progress. The explosion of internet-enabled devices means that we’re running out of IP addresses even more quickly than expected: RIPE NCC’s Managing Director Axel Pawlik noted in January that the pool of unassigned IPv4 addresses would run out as early as 2011. But the move to IPv6, which can handle around “a trillion trillion trillion” addresses – 3.4x1038 if you’re feeling pedantic – is largely a software, not hardware, issue. “In most cases it’s very easy to reprogram connectivity software on a chip to ensure a device is IPv6 compatible,” Pawlik says.
But things aren’t progressing as straightforwardly as you would think. “Despite the simplicity of ensuring compatibility, widespread IPv6 take-up has so far been slow, and many of the best known digital devices available today, including the iPhone, do not yet support the next generation of IP addressing,” warns Pawlik. That lack of urgency is disappearing fast, with big names like Google implementing IPv6 support, router firms embracing the new system and new operating systems – including Windows and OS X – supporting it.
急求英语翻译!谢谢!Safe, secure and speedy: that’s the internet of 20
至少,这是我们所希望的网络将会是什么样子.让它发生,工程师们只需要重新考虑因特网起作用的方式和变化相当多的一切.有什么事情能简单点吗?一些大的变化已经在进行中.爆炸的互联网设备意味着我们花了这么多的IP地址甚至比预想的要快:成熟之董事总经理1月份Pawlik指出阿克塞尔里的unassigned IPv4地址将耗尽早在2011年.但转会到IPv6,它们能处理围绕“万亿万亿万亿“地址- 3.4x1038如果你觉得迂腐,是一个很大的软件,而非硬件,问题.”但在大多数情况下,它很容易重组连接软件芯片,以确保设备IPv6兼容,“Pawlik说.
但事情没有进步,你想直接,虽然简单确保兼容性,广泛IPv6盘外至今一直是缓慢的,许多最著名的数字装置,可今天,包括苹果,尚不支持下一代IP寻址警告说:“Pawlik.缺乏紧迫感正在消失,快速、大名称,如谷歌实施IPv6支持,路由器公司拥抱新体系,新的操作系统,包括窗户,OS X -支持它.