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谁帮我把这个翻译成英语拜托各位了 3Q

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 04:01:36
谁帮我把这个翻译成英语拜托各位了 3Q
今天是个特殊的日子,因为,今天是5.12汶川地震的一周年,为此我们学校进行一次特别的演练和默哀,以安慰死去的哀灵。 下午的3点15分,警报拉响了,同学们迅速躲到桌子底下,用书本保护着自己的头部。虽然蹲在桌子底下会很难受,但我们一改以往的嬉皮笑脸的样子,认认真真地对待这次的演练。疏散部分开始了,同学们在疏散老师的指导下,迅速离开教室,立刻赶往空旷的草场,站队集合。全部的同学终于“安全”的撤退到操场上,主持人演讲的一句句话使我们非常感动。是啊,威什么在地震中,只有孩子死伤最少,是因为韦德的妈妈爸爸还有老师的保护,听到这里,我的心里泛起一阵涟漪,也想到了我亲爱的妈妈、爸爸和老师。最后,指导老师总结这次活动,称这次活动最迅速、最快、最好。但是唯一的遗憾是,指导老师因为我们的安全,竟然忘了要默哀。回到教室后,班主任要求我们在教室里默哀,闭上眼睛的我们,心里都自想着同一个问题,灾区人民,危险已经过了,相信美好的明天再等着你们,祝福你们!而我,也在想着一个问题,将来我长了的时候一定要对爸爸妈妈好! 汶川的朋友们,站起来吧,黑暗已经过去了,光明就在眼前了,不要再去想那可怕的一幕了!
谁帮我把这个翻译成英语拜托各位了 3Q
Today is a special day, because today is 12 wenchuan earthquake, the first anniversary of our school, a special drill and silence, with the cry of dead spirit. 3:15 in the afternoon, the alarm sounded, the students to table with books, protect their head. While squatting in the table will be very tough but we change before the hippies, conscientious to treat the drill. Evacuation part begins, students in teacher's guidance, evacuation quickly leave the classroom, to open pasture, immediately set. : All the classmates finally "safe" retreat to the playground, host of the speech YiGouGou words make us very much. Yes, what's in the earthquake, the only child deaths, because his mother at least dad and protection of teacher, hear here, my heart on a ripple, also think my dear mother, father and a teacher. Finally, summarized the instructor, says the activity is the most quickly, best and fastest. But only regret is that because our teacher to safety, forgot to silence. After returning to the classroom, classroom teacher asked us in silence, close your eyes, we are thinking about the same problem from the heart of the people of disaster areas, has already passed, dangerous, and believe that good again tomorrow, bless you! But I also think a problem in the future, I must be on my mom and dad!!! Wenchuan friends, stood up, and the darkness has passed, the light is in sight, don't go to the terrible scene!