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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 19:49:20
Book 1Modules 3-4参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DBBDA 6-10 CACCB
11-15 BCABD 16-20 CBACD
21-25 CBBDA 26-30 BCBAD
31-35 BDBAD 36-40 BCBBC
41-45 CDCDC 46-50 DBDCD
51-55 BEGAD
56. Because he was turned away from a theme park ride.
57. 11 stone.
58. Because he was too big. / Because he wasn’t the right body type.
59. He bought them online.
60. His love for junk-food.
61. I was shocking ... shocking → shocked
62. ... the end of year. year前加the
63. ... generation of people ... generation → generations
64. If a line closes ... a → the
65. ... every other 30 minutes. 去掉other
66. ... that covers this ... that → which
67. ... takes much long ... long → longer
68. ... double it of ... it → that
69. ... help our businesses ... help → helping
70. However, I think ... However → Therefore
One possible version:
Boys and girls,
Attention please! The Students’ Union will organize an activity where we can exchange items we don’t need with others. If you’re interested in it, you can join in between three to six on Saturday afternoon on theCentral Roadin our school.
In fact, many of us have difficulty dealing with used things that mean little to us. If you take them there, not only can you get something you want, you can also help others. Besides, it will be a good chance to communicate and make new friends.
Any used items are welcome, such as used books, CDs, basketballs, clothes, shoes, watches and so on. The more, the better.
Come and join us, and share something!
1. D.in the middle of 在…… 中间;a good bottle of wine一瓶好酒.
2. B.我们应该邀请吉姆爬那座塔,他曾经恐高,但是现在已经克服(got over)了.get along 进展,相处;get on上(车、船等),进展情况,相处;get off下(车、船等).
3. B.keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离,不很亲密.
4. D.在It is the first / second ... time that ...这一句型中,that 从句中的谓语动词用现在完成时.5. A.look 与主语Mary之间是逻辑上的主谓关系且该动作与谓语动作said 同时发生,故用动词-ing 形式作伴随状语.
6. C.题意:他们寻找骑自行车的那个人,但是他已经不见踪影了(out of sight).out of date 过时的;out of order发生故障;out of work失业.
7. A.“他不认真打球”的结果是“我们输了比赛”.故选as a result of(由于……的结果).
8. C.题意:这个男孩太疲惫了(exhausted)以至于睡着后不容易醒来.
9. C.由can you teach me 及答语中的Sorry 可知,此处强调的是对现在造成的结果或影响,故用现在完成时.
10. B.对方告知好消息时要表示祝贺,故用Congratulations!
11. B.由下文的my class teacher 可知,此处是说老师.
12. C.由上文的stands out 及下文对老师的介绍可知,该老师“与众不同(unusual)”.
13. A.由下文的the old bullet-scar 可知,老师在第二次世界大战中“受了伤(wounded)”.14. B.由上文的retired from the army 可知,老师曾经是位“军人(soldier)”.
15. D.由上文的He was bald, so ... 可推断,伤疤在老师的“头部(head)”.
16. C.由下文的keeping their canes 及use terror 可知,其他老师给学生灌输“恐惧(fear)”.17. B.由下文的use terror 可推断,其他老师为了吓唬学生会把棍棒放在手边.故选handy.18. A.其他老师的武器是棍棒,而这位老师则用热情代替棍棒.故选Instead.
19. C.由下文的he transformed into a skilled actor 可推断,老师对他所做的事情充满极大的“热情(enthusiasm)”.
20. D.老师的声音和手势“吸引着(grabbing)”学生们的注意力.
21. C.由下文的Come to my home early in the morning for ... 可知,老师“组织了(organized)”短途旅行.
22. B.由上文的the outings 及下文的with our lunch boxes 可推测,此处是说“野餐(picnic)”.
23. B.由上文的the outings 可推测,老师每次都带领学生们去一个新的景点.scenic spot景点.
24. D.由下文的when soldiers even risked their lives ... 可推断,老师给学生们讲述他在“军队(army)”的日子.
25. A.“尽管(even though)”士兵们来自不同的背景,他们却冒着生命危险拯救他人.26. B.由上文的we all bonded well too可推断,学生们在老师的带领下感觉像是一个“亲密的(close)”大家庭.
27. C.由下文的It was hard to imagine that someone so lively was no more可知,老师“去世了(passed away)”.
28. B.得知老师去世的消息,作者感到非常“伤心(sad)”.
29. A.30. D.由上文老师全身心投入教育事业可推断,此处是说老师以身作则地教育作者仅仅供养自己和家人还不“够(enough)”,帮助和培养他人“同样(just)”重要.
本文是记叙文.20 世纪60 年代末,美国的学校要求男生必须剪成短发,否则会被勒令停学.
31. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的 Howard had said that boys who came to school with long hair would be punished 可知,部分学生被勒令停学是因为他们拒绝剪短头发.
32. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的 young people were leading a wave of change ... equality for African-Americans 可推断,当时的学生不愿意遵守成规或服从权威.
33. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的Musical stars like the Beatles had inspired new looks. The big trend was “hippie” fashion: ... long hair 可知,当时年轻人的发型受到了流行音乐明星的影 响. 34. A.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中 的In the end, most boys gave in and got haircuts 可知,绝大多数被勒令停 学的学生们最终向校方屈服并剪短了头发.
35. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的 Other threats to the species include competition from the red fox for the rare small rodents they both depend upon for food 可知.
36. B.篇章结构题.由第一段倒数第 二句... monitored the arctic fox population ... 可知,为确定最佳区域从而 采取进一步的保护措施,Angerbjörn 和Erlandsson 需要监控北极狐的数量,这就需要给小北极狐加标签. 故划线词指代“监控北极狐的数量”.
37. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的... it is easy to believe that the smaller ones are the easiest to handle ... However, just as human children have a hard time keeping still ... 可推断,小北极狐像儿童一样好动,这给加标签工作带来了困难.
38. B.细节理解题.由倒数第二段末的Just as with small children the best tool is patience 及最后一段中的 began to roll onto its back again. The same thing happened over and over again 可知,给好动的小北极狐加标签需要耐心.
39. B.推理判断题.由第四段末的 trampolines should never be used at home or on playgrounds 及第五段中 的This is not a toy. It’s a piece of equipment 可推断,该研究认为蹦床不应该被用于娱乐.
40. C.细节理解题.由第六段末的 now 900,000 are sold each year, most of them for recreational use 可推断, 划线部分的意思应该是“蹦床受到了公众的欢迎”.
41. C.细节理解题.由第七段中的 they provide good exercise 及You get a heart-pumping aerobic workout 可 知,蹦床运动对孩子们的健康有好处.
42. D.推理判断题.最后一段中,作者 提到玩蹦床有风险,但每项体育运动都会有风险.玩蹦床时,孩子们应学会自我保护,且需要成人监督.由此可推断,作者对于玩蹦床的态度是客观的.
43. C.细节理解题.由文中的Applications for children ages 11 and under must be completed in person, and require the signature of a parent or guardian可知.
44. D.推理判断题.由Renew or Validate Your Card 部分的第二、三段可知,纽约市的持卡人需要亲自去图书馆提 交身份证明才能更新或验证图书证,而除纽约市以外的纽约州人可以通 过电子邮件发送身份证明并更新或 验证图书证.
45. C.推理判断题.由文章倒数第二段的You must select a 4-digit numeric PIN, with no repeating or obvious characters (e.g. 1234 or 2222) 可知正确答案为C项.
46. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 you have to visit a library location with valid identification to have a staff member reset your PIN for you 可知.
47. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的a “disastrous winter” in which the cars suffered a lot of technical problems with the new Renault V6 hybrid turbo engine. The team was so busy solving the software-controlled engine problems 可知,去年冬季赛车的主要问题是发动机.
48. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的It adds a little bit of pressure because we have to learn all this on the race weekend 可以推断,周五的试车将会 具有一定挑战性.
49. C.细节理解题.由第五段中的 The ex-Williams pilot brings with him可知,Grosjean 是由威廉姆斯车队转到莲花车队的.
50. D.标题归纳题.本文主要讲莲花车队在新赛季遇到人才流失、资金紧张等一系列困难.